
Accessibility Features Statement

This website has been designed to make information accessible to all users, including persons with disabilities who use adaptive technologies.
In order to make this site more accessible, most of our Web page templates:

  • are XHTML 1.0 Strict conformant, to improve compatibility with adaptive technologies, handheld devices, browsers and search engines;
  • have been successfully tested on a wide range of adaptive technologies and browser/platform combinations to ensure that Canadians can access Web pages regardless of the technology used;
  • include major components, such as the common menu bar, side menu, and content area that are properly marked up with headings to simplify navigation with a screen reader;
  • employ table-less layout and design to simplify screen reader navigation by reducing the structural complexity of Web pages;
  • use scaleable fonts and text-based navigational elements to improve accessibility and simplify navigation using adaptive technologies;
  • provide printer-friendly functionality in the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to render pages more compatible with printers and to prevent printing unnecessary page elements.

For optimal access to content on our site, you can increase the text size on our pages by changing the settings in your web browser. From the View menu, select text size or zoom (depending on the browser).

You can also download the plug-ins identified on our Browser and Plug-in Requirements page.

We encourage accessible Internet site development and maintenance and invite your comments and suggestions for improvement of the accessibility of this site. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accessibility of the site, some content or services found here might be inaccessible to some visitors. In those circumstances, please contact us.

To learn more about Government of Canada programs and services related to accessibility please visit Persons with Disabilities Online.