Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) - User Requirements

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III. Functional Requirements

1. Employer Registration

Employers are required to register as participants in the program. Employer data are collected during the registration phase: Canada Revenue Agency Payroll Account Number (CRAPAN), Name, Address, Postal Code, Telephone Number, E-mail address, and the Name and Telephone Number of the Primary Officer. In order to use the ROE Web application, you must meet the ROE Web system requirements.

2. Employer Business Profile Administration

As part of the setup process for the Business Profile Administration, employers are required to enter the name and telephone number of a contact person. Employers are able to set a default Business Profile to be used when submitting ROEs.

3. Online Data Entry

The ROE Web application provides a function to create new ROE. This process entails keying ROE data into an electronic form using commercially available. The application displays an electronic ROE form pre-filled with basic employer data such as the company’s name, address and contact person - see ROE Online Data Entry - Field Edits & Rules.

Employers are able to validate and store the newly created ROE. The ROE is stored as a Draft ROE without a serial number for a period of 15 calendar days. After the period of 15 days, the ROE Web application automatically deletes the Draft ROE. The following warning message is displayed when an employer is logged on the web site to remind them of the constraint: "Attention - All draft ROEs not submitted will be deleted after a 15 day period".

Employers are able to submit and save the newly created ROE. The ROE that successfully passes all the validations is saved with a serial number and is accessed as read-only. The ROE that fails the validations is saved as a Draft ROE.

Using the Online Data Entry, employers are able to edit the Draft ROE, make the required changes and then submit and save the ROE.

The ROE Web application provides a function to amend a ROE already saved and submitted for which a serial number has been assigned. This creates an amended ROE number if any changes are made to the original form. The serial number amended or replaced is pre-filled in Block 2 of the form. When an ROE has already been amended, the original ROE used to make changes can only be read and printed.

4. ROE Payroll Extract File Transfer

The ROE Web application has a ROE Payroll extract file transfer capability that allows employers to upload a ROE file extracted from their internal automated payroll information systems. The layout of this ROE file is based on the ROE requirements as described in the ROE Payroll Extract File - XML File Layout. Employers are able to specify ROEs that will be automatically submitted for serial number assignment and ROEs that will be stored as Draft.

As a result of processing and validating the uploaded ROE file, the employer is able to view on the screen using a Web Browser: ROEs issued, passed, failed and rejected. Records with invalid or non-existing Canada Revenue Agency Payroll Account Number (CRAPAN) have a status of "rejected" ROE. Records that successfully passed the edits and were marked to be saved with a serial number are saved as read only and have a status of "issued" ROE. Records that successfully passed the edits and are marked to be saved as Draft are saved as Draft ROE and have a status of "passed" ROE. Records that failed the edits are saved as Draft and have a status of "failed" ROE.

Employers are able to select passed ROEs and submit them. Employers are able to select failed ROEs and make the updates required on each individual ROE by using the Online Data Entry. Once it's done, employers are able to store and validate or submit and save the updated ROE. Alternatively, employers are able to make the corrections to all the failed ROEs on the original file within their payroll software and upload a new file with only the corrected ROEs – using this method ensures the employers’ payroll software remains up to date and reflects what is indicated on the ROE. For all rejected ROEs, employers need to make the corrections on the original file and upload a new file with the corrected ROEs.

5. Import

The import feature will extract ROE Serial Numbers from the ROE Web database into an XML file based on specific search criteria. The employer can then import the specified data into their payroll software as a reference of the ROEs issued.

If the payroll system accommodates the information in conjunction with the XML layout it can then be used to allow employers to issue amended ROEs via ROE Payroll extract file transfer - by providing the Serial Number of amended ROEs in Block #2. The layout for the import XML file format is based on the requirements as described in the Import - XML File Layout.

6. Print

The ROE document is printed on plain bond paper using a standard office printer. Employers have the choice to print or not to print the information currently contained on the back page.

Draft ROEs are printed without a serial number - the ROE is printed with a "Draft" watermark.

Employers are able to select all displayed ROEs or a selection of records to print.

Employers are able to print ROEs in the language in which they were saved.

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