Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) - User Requirements

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Appendix A: ROE Online Data Entry - Field Edits & Rules

ROE Online Data Entry - Field Edits & Rules

The ROE Web application supports keyboard data entry by filling the ROE Web form and submitting the information.

1. Pre-filled and non updateable fields

Description of the different blocks contents that are pre-filled and not updatable when creating a WEB ROE.
ROE Block Number Field
2 Serial Number of ROE Amended or replaced Must be
9 characters


Source of data : pre-filled when using the ROE Amend function, it will be the serial number of the ROE to be amended

First character must be the letter 'W', upper case

Next 8 characters must be numeric

Number 0 must be leading if the number is less than 99999999, ex. W00000099

4 Employer's Name Maximum length of 50 characters


Source of data : Employer registration, Organization or Employer Business Profile

4 Employer's Address Line1 Maximum length of 35 characters


Source of data : Employer registration, Organization or Employer Business Profile

4 Employer's Address Line2 Maximum length of 35 characters


Source of data : Employer registration, Organization or Employer Business Profile

4 Employer's Address Line3 Maximum length of 35 characters


Source of data : Employer registration, Organization or Employer Business Profile

7 Employer's Postal Code Maximum length of 15 characters

Optional: U.S. Zip code is part of Employer's address Line 3

Source of data : Employer registration, Organization or Employer Business Profile

5 Canada Revenue Agency Business number

Must be a valid CRA BN

Must be 15 characters

The first character must be an eight or a one

Characters ten and eleven must be RP

The last four digits must be numeric and greater than ' 0000 '


Source of data : Employer registration, Organization or Employer Business Profile

21 Issuer Phone Area Code Must be 3 characters


Source of data : Employer registration

21 Issuer Phone Number Must be 8 characters


Source of data : Employer registration

With the following format 999-9999

21 Issuer Phone Extension Maximum length of 5 characters


Source of data : Employer registration

22 Issuer First name Maximum length of 20 characters


Source of data : Employer registration

22 Issuer Last name Maximum length of 28 characters


Source of data : Employer registration

2. Pre-filled and updateable fields

Description of the different blocks contents that are pre-filled but are updatable.
ROE Block Number Field
14 Expected Recall Code

Selection by radio button.
'Unknown' is the default value


If Date of recall is checked, then Expected Date of Recall must be entered

14 Expected Date of Recall

Must be a valid date in the

Mandatory if Date of Recall is checked

Must be greater than theLast Day for which Paid

No Expected Date of Recall for the following Reason for issuing ROE: Quit, Retire or Dismissal

16 Contact First Name Maximum length of 20 characters


Source : Data can be captured by the employer in the Admin Profile sub-module

Employer will be able to overwrite this field on the Online ROE

16 Contact Last Name Maximum length of 28 characters


Source: Data can be captured by the employer in the Admin Profile sub-module

Employer will be able to overwrite this field on the Online ROE

16 Contact Phone Area Code Must be 3 characters


Source: Data can be captured by the employer in the Admin Profile sub-module

Employer will be able to overwrite this field on the Online ROE

16 Contact Phone Number Must be 8 characters


With the following format 999-9999

Source : Data can be captured by the employer in the Admin Profile sub-module

Employer will be able to overwrite this field on the Online ROE

16 Contact Phone Extension Maximum length of 5 characters


Source: Data can be captured by the employer in the Admin Profile sub-module

Employer will be able to overwrite this field on the Online ROE

20 Communication Preferred In Selection made by a radio button

' English ' is the default value if session language is English

' French ' is the default value if session language is French

3. Captured fields

Description of the different blocks and their contents and provides guidance on whether or not the field is mandatory or optional.
ROE Block Number Field
3 Employer's payroll reference number Maximum length of 15 characters Optional

Pay Period

Must be one of the following :

B = Bi-weekly

M = Monthly

O = Monthly non-standard

S = Semi-Monthly

E = Semi-Monthly non-standard

H = Thirteen pay periods per year

W = Weekly


Drop-down list will be used

8 Social Insurance Number Must be nine digits


Must not be equal to 000000000

Must not start with a 0 or 8

9 Employee First Name Maximum length of 20 characters Mandatory
9 Employee Initial Maximum length of 4 characters Optional
9 Employee Last Name Maximum length of 28 characters Mandatory
9 Employee Address Line 1 Maximum length of 35 characters


Enter Number and Street Name

9 Employee Address Line 2 Maximum length of 35 characters


Enter Place

9 Employee Address Line 3 Maximum length of 35 characters


Enter Province/ Country/
Postal Code

10 First Day Worked.

Must be a valid date in the format


Must be earlier than or equal to the last day for which paid

Must be earlier than or equal to the final pay period ending date

Must not be an overlapped ROE by validating the following statement :

The first day worked and last day for which paid for the current ROE must not be overlapped with the first day worked and last day for which paid for any previous ROE issued by the same employer, CRABN for the same employee. SIN.

11 Last day for which paid

Must be a valid date in the format


Must be equal to or after the first day worked

Must be earlier than or equal to the final pay period ending date

12 Final Pay Period Ending Date

Must be a valid date in the format


Must be equal to or after the first day worked

Must be equal to or after the last day for which paid

13 Occupation Description Maximum length of 40 characters Optional
15A Total Insurable Hours. Must be a numeric value


Value from 0 to

Decimals are not allowed

Must be less than or equal to : ‹Last Day for Which Paid - First day worked + 1› multiplied by 24

Number of consecutive pay periods used to complete 15A must not exceed the maximum pay periods possible in the required period, refer to chart I at the end of Appendix A

15B Total insurable earnings Must be a numeric value

Mandatory, calculated field

Maximum value is 999999.99

Number of consecutive pay periods used to complete 15B must not exceed the maximum pay periods possible in the required period, refer to chart II at the end of Appendix A


Earnings for
Pay Periods
1 to 53

Must be a numeric value

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '

For any other pay period with no insurable earnings only a value of 0.00 must be entered

Number of pay periods consecutively filled out in 15C must not exceed the maximum pay periods possible in the period of employment, refer to chart III at the end of Appendix A

16 Reason for issuing this ROE

Choose from the following code :

A = Shortage of Work

A = Employer Bankruptcy or Receivership

B = Strike or Lockout

C = Return to School

D = Illness or Injury

E = Quit

E = Quit - Follow spouse

E = Quit - School

E = Quit - Health Reasons

E = Quit - Retirement

E = Quit - Take another job

F = Maternity

G = Retirement

G = Retirement - Approved Work-force Reduction under EI Regulation 51

H = Work Sharing

J = Apprentice Training

K = Other

M = Dismissal

M = Dismissal - Terminated within probationary period

N = Leave of Absence

P = Parental

Z = Compassionate Care


Look up table will be used

If K - Other' is selected, additional information must be given in block 18, Comments

17A Vacation Pay

Included with each pay - Do not enter the amount or the dates

Paid because no longer working - Enter the amount only

Paid for a vacation leave period - Enter a Start Date and an End Date as well as the amount

Anniversary (Paid on a specific day each year) - Enter an amount and enter the Anniversary date in Start Date


Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '

17B Statutory Holiday Pay Date 1 Must be a valid date in the format DD/MM/YYYY


If completed then there must be a corresponding dollar value in Statutory Holiday Pay amount 1

If completed then it must be different than Statutory Holiday Pay Date 2 and Pay Date 3

17B Statutory Holiday Pay amount 1 Must be a numeric value


Mandatory if date is specified in the Statutory Holiday Pay Date 1

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '

17B Statutory Holiday Pay Date 2 Must be a valid date in the format DD/MM/YYYY


If completed then there must be a corresponding dollar value in Statutory Holiday Pay amount 2

If completed then it must be different than Statutory Holiday Pay Date 1 and Pay Date 3

17B Statutory Holiday Pay amount 2 Must be a numeric value


Mandatory if date is specified in the Statutory Holiday Pay Date 2

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '

17B Statutory Holiday Pay Date 3 Must be a valid date in the format DD/MM/YYYY


If completed then there must be a corresponding dollar value in Statutory Holiday Pay amount 3

If completed then it must be different than Statutory Holiday Pay Date 1 and Pay Date 2

17B Statutory Holiday Pay amount 3 Must be a numeric value


Mandatory if date is specified in the Statutory Holiday Pay Date 3

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '

17C Other monies code 1

Choose from the following codes :

A =Anniversary Pay-out

B = Bonus (Holiday): Enter an Amount and a Start Date

B = Bonus (Production/Incentive): Enter an Amount, a Start Date and an End Date

B = Bonus (Event): Enter an Amount and a Start Date

B = Bonus (Staying/ Contract completed/ End of season): Enter an amount

B = Bonus (Separation or retirement): Enter an Amount

B = Bonus (Closure): Enter an Amount

B = Bonus (Other): Enter an Amount

C = Salary Continuance: Enter an Amount, a Start Date and an End Date

E = Severance Pay

G = Gratuities

H = Honorariums

I =
Sick Leave Credits

O = Other

Q = Profit Sharing

R = Retirement Leave Credits

S = Settlement Pay

U = SUB Maternity/Parental (Top-Up) (Amount of payment not required)

U = SUB Layoff (Amount of payment not required)

U = SUB Sickness (Amount of payment not required)

Y = Pay in Lieu of Notice


If completed then there must be a corresponding amount in Other monies amount 1 (Except for code U)

17C Other monies amount 1 Must be numeric value

Mandatory if the Other Monies Code 1 is completed (Except for code U)

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '

17C Other monies code 2 Must be one character as for Other monies code 1


If completed then there must be a corresponding amount in Other monies amount 2 (Except for code U)

17C Other monies amount 2 Must be numeric value

Mandatory if the Other Monies Code 2 is completed (Except for code U)

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '

17C Other monies code 3 Must be one character as for Other monies code 1


If completed then there must be a corresponding amount in Other monies amount 3 (Except for code U)

17C Other monies amount 3 Must be numeric value

Mandatory if the Other Monies Code 3 is completed (Except for code U)

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '


Line 1

160 characters


Mandatory if Reason for issuing this ROE is equal to ' K-Other '


Paid Sick/
Parental or Group Wage Loss Insurance (WLI)

Must be a valid date in the format


If completed then there must be a corresponding dollar value in Paid Sick / Maternity / Parental or Group WLI Amount


Paid Sick/
Parental or Group Wage Loss Insurance (WLI) Period

Must be a numeric value


Mandatory if date is specified in Paid Sick /Maternity / Parental or Group WLI Date

Maximum value is 999999.99

Thousands delimiters are not allowed

Decimal delimiters must be ' . ' or ' , '


Paid Sick/
Parental or Group Wage Loss Insurance (WLI) Period

Select between,

D = Per Day

W = Per Week

Selection made by a radio button

Default value is D-'Per Day'

4.Generated and non updateable fields

Table 1

Description of fields that are automatically generated once the WEB ROE is completed and submitted.
ROE Block Number Field Name Field Edits Application Rules
1 ROE Serial Number Must be 9 characters

Serial Number will be generated by the application once the employer clicks on the Submit and Save button and all mandatory edits have passed the validation

Every ROE with a serial number will be accessible as read-only

22 Date Issued

Date will be in the

Issue date will be generated by the application once the employer clicks on the Submit and Save button

All mandatory edits must successfully pass the validation

Value will be set to the date on which the ROE was originally submitted and inserted to the ESDC central database. This date will be set by the database server.

Table 2

Number of consecutive pay periods to report based on pay period type for Total hours for block 15A.
Pay period type reported in block 6 Number of consecutive pay periods to report for Total Hours in block 15A, or less if period of employment was shorter
Weekly Last 53
Bi-weekly Last 27
Semi-Monthly Last 25
Monthly Last 13
13 pay periods per year Last 14

Table 3

Number of consecutive pay periods to report based on pay period type for Insurable Earnings for block 15B.
Pay period type reported in block 6 Number of consecutive pay periods to report for Insurable Earnings in block 15B, or less if period of employment was shorter
Weekly Last 27
Bi-weekly Last 14
Semi-Monthly Last 13
Monthly Last 7
13 pay periods per year Last 7

Table 4

Number of consecutive pay periods to report based on pay period type for Insurable earnings for block 15C.
Pay period type reported in block 6 Number of consecutive pay periods to report for Insurable Earnings in block 15C, or less if period of employment was shorter
Weekly Last 53
Bi-weekly Last 27
Semi-Monthly Last 25
Monthly Last 13
13 pay periods per year Last 14

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