Occasional Claimant

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Service Canada will be revising its web videos to reflect the new look of our Web site. Viewers can still refer to these videos to get a good overview of our programs and services.


The title of the video, “Connecting Canadians with Available Jobs” appears on screen, followed by the subtitle “Occasional Claimants”.

The title is repeated to the right of the host, followed by the words “Find Work in Your Local Area”. An animated worker in hard hat pushing a wheelbarrow and another animated worker in carrying a briefcase appear overtop an animated office building.

Connecting Canadians with Available Jobs is a common-sense initiative designed to help you find work in your local area that matches your skills.

The words “Employment Insurance”, “regular”, and “fishing” appear on screen.

It applies to everyone collecting Employment Insurance regular or fishing benefits.

The words “Employment Insurance”, “regular”, and “fishing” appear on screen.

Depending on your EI contributions and claim history, you will be placed into one of three claimant categories.

The words “long-tenured workers” and “frequent claimants” are crossed out. A checkmark appears beside “occasional claimant”.

If you don't fit into the long-tenured workers or frequent claimant categories, you're an occasional claimant.

A graph appears and a bar emerges signifying 90% of your usual salary within the first six weeks. A second bar appears indicating that by week seven you must look for similar jobs at 80% of your normal wage. A third bar emerges indicating that after 18 weeks you must accept any job you can perform starting at 70% of your previous salary.

This means for the first six weeks of your claim, you may limit your search to jobs within your usual occupation, starting at 90% of your previous wage.

By week seven, you must look for jobs similar to what you normally do, with wages at 80% of your previous wage.

After 18 weeks, you must expand your search to include any job you're qualified to do, starting at 70% of your previous wage.

A stick figure then appears holding a clipboard. A hard hat descends on his head. A scale appears. One side denotes “EI” the other “Wages”. The scale is balanced.

You are never required to accept wages that would result in your receiving less income than you would while collecting EI.

Host re-appears along with stick figure standing in front of a classified ad. A computer replaces the stick figure with the words “Job Alert” flashing in red. A screenshot of the actual Job Alert website appears.

To help you find job opportunities that match your skills, we've also enhanced our job alerts system. Sign up on our website to receive daily e-mails with information about new job postings in your area.

Two stick figures wearing hard hats appear on screen carrying a large window. The URL servicecanada.gc.ca/eichanges appears in the window. The URL then appears full screen before fading to the Canada Workmark.

For more information, visit servicecanada.gc.ca/eichanges.