ROE Web - Middlesex Hospital Alliance

Please note:

Service Canada will be revising its web videos to reflect the new look of our Web site. Viewers can still refer to these videos to get a good overview of our programs and services.


(Service Canada word mark appears on screen, followed by the words ROE Web. A finger points and clicks on the words. The words Register, Submit, Save appear to the right. Images of Strathroy, Ontario appear on screen.)

(Rita Jackson provides voiceover for the video. She appears on screen at a visitor welcome desk. Camera cuts to close-up of Rita with arms folded across chest, her name and title of Payroll Compliance Practitioner appear on screen. Camera cuts to exterior images of the hospital.)

My name is Rita Jackson. I'm the Payroll Compliance Practitioner for the Middlesex Hospital Alliance. The Middlesex Hospital Alliance is a health care facility in Strathroy, Ontario.

(Images of Rita’s colleagues working in the hospital waiting room appear on screen.)

Back in 2004, a Service Canada representative provided us with the information to register for the ROE Web program.

(Camera cuts back to Rita, standing in front of the visitor desk, and then to the offices of the payroll team. Members of the team are seen walking in the office carrying files. Rita appears working at her desk.)

Before using the ROE Web, we had two employees in payroll and when we had to do Records of Employment it would take us a lot of time. It was costly, paper storage, transferring information from one department to another was very time consuming.

(Rita is sitting in her office and her computer screen shows the ROE websiteWeb site. Another colleague is seen working at her computer. Two other colleagues are seen in conversation. The camera pans back to Rita, working at her desk. Rita appears once more in front of the visitor desk.)

We find using the ROE Web very user friendly. It's a great benefit for payroll, time saving. We can access previous ROEs to amend them within minutes. We recently had a union contract and we had to go back a couple of years and amend some Records of employment. We could access information immediately, access it and send it off to HRSDC where they could look at the file and the employee have access immediate also through My Service Canada account.

(A computer screen shot of the ROE web page appears.)

Don't delay in starting the ROE Web. It's a great benefit for payroll, a time saving for them and your employees will love it. They can start receiving their EI benefits much faster than they would through paper.

(Yellow screen appears with words ROE Web | Register, Submit, Save. Below that appear the words “Save Time” and the URL The Canada word mark appears to signal the end of the video.)