ROE Web - France Trottier - Saint-Lin-Laurentides

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Service Canada will be revising its web videos to reflect the new look of our Web site. Viewers can still refer to these videos to get a good overview of our programs and services.


(Service Canada word mark appears on screen, followed by the words ROE Web. A finger points and clicks on the words. The words Register, Submit, Save appear to the right. Images of Saint-Lin-Laurentides appear on screen. A client is seen walking into the office of France Trottier. France appears on screen along with her title, Payroll Compliance Practitioner.)

I live in Saint-Lin des Laurentides. I produce approximately 150 Records of Employment every year. My name is France Trottier. I've been using ROE Web for at least ten years.

(France is seen sitting behind her desk, discussing her work. The camera shows France working at her desk, punching digits into a calculator.)

As a self-employed worker, my duties are generally to manage pay services for construction businesses and also to conduct bookkeeping. I've been producing Records of Employment for 32 years already and I can tell you that I don't want to go back to producing them on paper. That time is over for me.

(France is shown pulling files from a bookkeeping shelf and then using the ROE website to complete her work.)

ROE Web enabled me to better focus my efforts elsewhere. When using ROE Web, I am assured that my electronic Records of Employment are produced properly and accurately.

ROE Web, easy to use, user-friendly, it's really the way to go - electronically! We must move forward. ROE Web makes this possible.

(Yellow screen appears with words ROE Web | Register, Submit, Save. Below that appear the words “Save Time” and the URL The Canada word mark appears to signal the end of the video.)