Grab-and-go breakfasts

Transcript - Grab-and-go breakfasts

Eat Well

Meal planning

On screen: Close-up shot of Zannat, our registered dietitian, reading a question received from a consumer.

Christine Mirabelli
Fall River, Nova Scotia
What can I make ahead of time that would serve as a grab-and-go breakfast?

VO Zannat: As part of our Eat Well campaign, we have a question from Christine Mirabelli of Fall River, Nova Scotia. She wants to know: "What can I make ahead of time that would serve as a grab-and-go breakfast?" Christine, your ideas?

On screen: Pull back to our two experts, in a kitchen, behind a counter, with various food items in front of them such as apples, tomatoes, omelet, yogurt, whole grain bun.

Zannat Reza
Registered Dietitian

Christine Cushing
TV Chef & Author

VO Christine: I know that breakfast is chaos, at my house, probably at everybody's house. Everybody's running around: "What's going on?"

VO Zannat: That's right!

VO Christine: …"We gotta go! Out of my way!" So the night before, when we're a little calmer, we can just take some time and plan ahead. I like to go with some plain yogurt, add some fruit, in a resealable container; in the fridge, everybody can grab one, and go.

On screen: Close-up of a plain yogurt bowl where someone scoops up yogurt to put in a container along with fruit.

VO Zannat: Love it! And you know, in terms of the fruit, you can go fresh, frozen, canned fruit - of course packed in juice - …

On screen: Close-up of slices of apples and bananas. Pull back to our two experts.

VO Christine: Yeah.

VO Zannat: … because you want to keep that sugar in check. But also fruit that's easy to grab and go. So bananas, pears, apples, oranges, easy, easy.

On screen: Close-up of whole bananas and apples. Pull back to our two experts.

VO Christine: Yeah, absolutely. And then, when we talk about things that can be made in advance, I mean, for me, the egg is so versatile.

VO Zannat: Love eggs.

VO Christine: Perfect food.

VO Zannat: Absolutely. You know, high in protein, packed with a ton of nutrients. You just can't go wrong with eggs.

VO Christine: Yeah, I think eggs too, just by how they look, they're just saying: "Pick me! Pick me! I look so great! I'm gonna make your day. I'm gonna make it, I swear!"

VO Zannat: They really will make your day!

VO Christine: They will make your day, it's true! So I have made omelet, and the day before, and in the morning, then we can just put a little whole wheat tortilla, wrap it. Again, easy to go. And at the very least, and if you don't have time to do that, just a simple boiled egg gives you still all those nutrients.

On screen: A cooked omelet is put on a whole wheat tortilla, wrapped, sliced in two and put in a transparent container. Cut back to a wide shot of our experts.

VO Zannat: And we love boiling up at least a dozen eggs on the weekend. They will keep in your fridge, in their shells, for up to a week. So talk about convenience.

On screen: Close-up of a bowl full of hard-boiled eggs. Pull back to a wide shot of our experts.

VO Christine: If a party breaks out, you got lots of eggs…

VO Zannat: There you go!

VO Christine: … to make all kinds of great sandwiches. It's awesome! Now, if that one situation arises and you say: "Well, we just don't have any time", we don't want kids not having breakfast. So, the one thing that kids can do on their own, is just take a whole grain English muffin, some slices of cheese and tomatoes, just wrap it up and run out the door. Easy.

On screen: Close-up shot of a whole grain English muffin to which someone adds a slice of tomato, cheese, lettuce and wraps it up. Pull back to our two experts.

VO Zannat: Love it! And you know, what I love about that idea is: you've got your protein, you've got fibre. Awesome way to start the day.

VO Christine: Completely true. So for more healthy eating breakfast tips, join us online at

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