Parks Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Releases and Backgrounders


Mount Agassiz Ski Area

In 1958, Parks Canada leased approximately 142 hectares to a private operator for the development of a ski area in Riding Mountain National Park.

In 1961, Mount Agassiz Ski Area (Mount Agassiz) opened with a few ski runs.

The ski area grew during the 1970s, with the addition of more ski trails, two T-Bar lifts, snowmaking equipment and an expanded day lodge. The most significant expansion occurred in 1979 when a double chairlift was added and additional ski trails were developed.

In 2000, the ski area went out of business. The buildings and other assets were left at the site.

The 2007 Riding Mountain National Park Management Plan indicated additional leases would not be granted for the purposes of downhill skiing in the park and the Mount Agassiz area would be rehabilitated.

Following the decision, regional stakeholders brought new information and perspectives to Parks Canada regarding the future of the Mount Agassiz site. Parks Canada committed to examining the matter further, including commissioning a feasibility study.

The feasibility study suggests that reopening Mount Agassiz Ski Area is a challenge due to limited markets, competition from existing ski hills, and high capital and operating costs. Some stakeholders continue to express a strong interest in reopening the site and would like the chance to assess the opportunities, risks and requirements to develop and operate a sustainable operation at Mount Agassiz.

Parks Canada decided to re-examine the Mount Agassiz decision and proposed an amendment to the national park management plan to allow entrepreneurs an opportunity to develop a proposal for a multi-season operation at Mount Agassiz. In January 2012, Parks Canada conducted extensive public consultation of the management plan amendment. Overall, public support for the amendment was strong.

In June 2012, an approved management plan amendment was tabled in Parliament which states that Parks Canada will “consider financially sustainable proposals for the redevelopment of a ski hill operation at the Mount Agassiz Ski Area, including multi-season recreational activities.”

Parks Canada has now launched a Request For Proposals process to invite potential submissions to reopen the Mount Agassiz Ski Area in Riding Mountain National Park for a sustainable winter or multi-season operation.

The entire RFP process will take one year. Proponents will have nine months to submit their proposals, and Parks Canada will review submissions within three months of the submission deadline.

Mount Agassiz Ski Area continues to be listed as a Commercial Ski Area pursuant to the Canada National Parks Act, S.C. 2000, c. 32, in Schedule 5, section 36.


News Release associated with this Backgrounder.