Parks Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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News Releases

Governments of Canada and British Columbia Support the Preservation of History and Culture at Barkerville National Historic Site

Barkerville, British Columbia, January 17, 2013 -- On behalf of the Honourable Peter Kent, Canada’s Environment Minister and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, Mr. Richard Harris, Member of Parliament for Cariboo-Prince George, and Steve Thomson, B.C.’s Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, today announced an investment by the governments of Canada and British Columbia in the conservation of two heritage buildings at Barkerville National Historic Site of Canada.

“The Government of Canada has taken a leadership role in the protection and promotion of Canada's invaluable and irreplaceable heritage such as Barkerville National Historic Site, one of the largest historic sites in Western North America,” said Mr. Harris. “This new funding conserves two highly threatened outbuildings within the Barkerville complex, thus ensuring the continued preservation of one of Canada’s treasured national historic sites for future generations, while helping foster a healthy local economy and thriving tourism industry.”

Catalyzed by Parks Canada’s National Historic Sites Cost-Sharing Program, the federal and provincial governments each contributed up to $32,300 to support the preservation of Barkerville National Historic Site’s “back street” industrial section including the restoration of the Skid Shack and Lowhee Mining Company Cabin buildings that tell the story behind the everyday operations and technology of a historic mining town. These outbuildings were used for storage, workshops and temporary accommodation.

“One of the federal government’s major objectives is to inspire Canadians to develop strong and meaningful connections with Canada’s national treasures,” said Minister Kent. “Our national historic sites are vital to our history, our identity as Canadians, and our tourism industry. By investing in these sites and building lasting relationships with the communities that operate them, we ensure that they will continue to help support local economies and encourage more Canadians to explore and discover our national heritage.”

“The Government of BC is committed to ensuring our province’s historic places and structures are conserved and maintained for the benefit of all residents and visitors,” said Minister Thomson. “Barkerville National Historic Site is one of B.C.’s most popular heritage destinations and this project will broaden visitors’ experience of Barkerville’s past.”

“These two outbuildings form an important part of Barkerville’s story. The conservation of these buildings is important as they provide immense heritage value and serve as a reminder of the importance of those who lived and worked behind the scenes in a thriving mining community,” said Judy Campbell, Barkerville’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are pleased that these once common but now rare structures, the Skid Shack and Lowhee Mining Company Cabin, will be preserved to tell the greater story of Barkerville.”

Barkerville is a provincially, nationally and internationally recognized historic site located 80 kilometres east of Quesnel. This year Barkerville is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Cariboo Gold Rush. Barkerville was the terminus of the great wagon road from Yale in 1865 and the centre of the Cariboo gold fields which were the catalyst for economic and political development in British Columbia.

The Cost-Sharing Program reflects the Government of Canada’s dedication to protect Canada’s heritage through funding towards the conservation of our national historic sites. Through this program, the Parks Canada Agency is pleased to continue its efforts to ensure that Canada’s historic and natural heritage is protected for the enjoyment, education and appreciation of all Canadians, today and in the future.

For additional information, please see the accompanying backgrounder at under Media Room.


Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of the Environment

Media Relations
Parks Canada

Brennan Clarke
Public Affairs Officer
Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Government of BC

Backgrounder associated with this News Release.