Parks Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Releases and Backgrounders

News Releases

Parks Canada to Offer Business Licences for Guided Tours at SS Klondike and Dredge No. 4 National Historic Sites

Whitehorse, Yukon, March 8, 2013 -- Today, on behalf of the Honourable Peter Kent, Canada’s Environment Minister and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, Mr. Ryan Leef, Member of Parliament for the Yukon, announced that Parks Canada will offer business licenses to organizations wishing to provide guided tours at SS Klondike and Dredge No. 4 national historic sites for the coming visitor season.

“Parks Canada will work collaboratively with interested businesses and stakeholders to enrich the visitor experience at SS Klondike and Dredge No. 4 national historic sites,” said Mr. Leef. “By working with our tourism partners, Parks Canada can continue to meet its deficit reduction obligations and offer enhanced opportunities for the tourism industry in the Yukon.”

“The Yukon government is very pleased by the measures taken by the Government of Canada to ensure that Yukon continues to offer high quality tourism experiences,” said the Honourable Mike Nixon, Minister for the Department of Tourism and Culture of Yukon. “The Government of Canada clearly recognizes the value of Parks Canada sites and artefacts to Yukoners and has demonstrated a real willingness to collaborate with us while taking the necessary steps to meet federal fiscal goals.”

Parks Canada will offer business licenses to interested parties wishing to provide guided tours to their clients on SS Klondike and Dredge No. 4 national historic sites. In addition, Parks Canada will waive entry fees for guided tour groups at these locations. Tour operators will be free to determine the amount charged to their clients. Parks Canada will work with tourism groups to help them provide a safe and enjoyable experience at these sites.

“I am pleased that the Environment Minister and Parks Canada have heard Yukoners, and are presenting a viable solution that enhances our important tourism industry while preserving Yukon's heritage,” said the Honourable Daniel Lang, Senator for the Yukon.

Mr. Leef also announced that Parks Canada will initiate formal discussion with the Friends of Klondike Corridor Association regarding their proposal to establish a new Friends organization. Parks Canada values the contributions of Friends groups and volunteers who contribute to ensuring that the SS Klondike, Dredge No. 4 and other treasures of the Yukon remain a vibrant and dynamic part of the Yukon visitor offer.

Parks Canada is committed to SS Klondike and Dredge No. 4 remaining enjoyable and offering meaningful experiences for visitors. In addition to potential private guided tour opportunities, SS Klondike and Dredge No. 4 will continue to provide information to the public wishing to explore these sites on their own. Parks Canada is developing innovative technological and print media tools to help visitors connect to the rich history of these sites.

“National historic sites tell about our history, contribute to our identity as Canadians and support local economies,” said Minister Kent. “The Government of Canada is encouraged by the commitment of the Yukon Government and various partners to work together to welcome Canadians to explore and discover our national heritage in the Yukon.”

Parks Canada manages a vast collection of more than 250,000 irreplaceable historical and archaeological objects currently cared for and protected in Dawson City. This collection is in good condition and will remain in the Yukon and continue to be managed locally by Parks Canada with assistance from specialized national collections and curatorial staff as required.

Parks Canada works to ensure Canada’s historic and natural heritage is protected and, through a network of 44 national parks, 167 national historic sites, and four national marine conservation areas, invites Canadians and people around the world to engage in personal moments of inspiring discovery at our treasured natural and historic places.


Elise Maltin
External Relations
Parks Canada

Mark Roberts
Director of Policy and Communications
Government of Yukon
Department of Tourism and Culture
ph. (867) 667-3016