Parks Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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News Releases

Parks Canada and Rural Municipality of St. Andrews Sign Agreement for St. Andrew’s Rectory National Historic Site

St. Andrews, Manitoba, May 17, 2013 -- On behalf of the Honourable Peter Kent, Canada’s Environment Minister and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, Mr. James Bezan, Member of Parliament for Selkirk-Interlake, today announced an agreement between Parks Canada and the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews which will see an expanded visitor service offer at St. Andrew’s Rectory National Historic Site. The Rural Municipality will operate St. Andrew’s Rectory National Historic Site as an expansion of the St. Andrews Heritage Centre.

“Our Government is proud to work in cooperation with communities across Canada, and this agreement between Parks Canada and the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews is a great example of that,” said Mr. Bezan. “It truly is a ‘win-win’ for both groups: the St. Andrews Heritage Centre will be expanded at a great location and the St. Andrew’s Rectory National Historic Site will become a community gathering place, strengthening Canadians’ connection to the site and its heritage.”

Parks Canada will continue to maintain the rectory as a national historic site, and Parks Canada’s interpretive exhibits about the Rectory and its historic significance will continue to be available to visitors. Under the new agreement, the Rural Municipality will be responsible for the site’s day-to-day operations. The St. Andrews Heritage Centre, currently based in the St. Andrews fire hall, serves as a local museum and provides presentations and public programming on its history.

“We are very pleased to be partnering with Parks Canada on this endeavour. Thanks to this cooperative effort, the St. Andrews Heritage Centre will have a wonderful home to deliver a top notch heritage experience for years to come,” said Councillor Russ Garvie, Chair of the St. Andrews Heritage Committee.

St. Andrew’s Rectory National Historic Site was the official residence of the minister of the Parish of St. Andrews, a function that continued until 2010 when the incumbent retired and was not replaced with a resident minister. St. Andrew’s Rectory was designated as a national historic site in 1962 as a good example of mid-nineteenth century Red River architecture.

Parks Canada works to ensure Canada’s historic and natural heritage is protected and invites Canadians and people around the world to engage in personal moments of inspiring discovery at our treasured natural and historic places. Parks Canada’s network now includes 44 national parks, 167 national historic sites, and four national marine conservation areas. In Manitoba, Parks Canada manages and operates Riel House, Lower Fort Garry, St. Andrew’s Rectory, The Forks, Prince of Wales Fort and York Factory national historic sites, as well as Wapusk and Riding Mountain national parks.


David Lavallee
Public relations and communications officer
Parks Canada – Manitoba Field Unit
(204) 984-1758