Healthy eating for children

Encouraging healthy eating at a young age will help kids eat well later in life.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help give your children the right amount and type of food they need to grow into healthy adults.

On this page:

Secrets to feeding healthy children

  • Make it a routine. Offer your kids healthy meals and snacks at scheduled times throughout the day.
  • Make food the focus. Turn off the TV and put away toys during meal time. Children eat better without these distractions.
  • Don’t force-feed.  Let your kids decide how much they want to eat.
  • Lead by example. Your children are more likely to try new foods if you eat them too.

Did you know?

Children ages two years and older can get the nutrients and calories they need by following Canada's Food Guide.

Tips on what to feed children

Check out these ideas on how to encourage kids to eat healthy foods:

  • Offer whole fruit and vegetables more often than juice. They have more fibre.
  • Offer 500 mL (2 cups) of milk or fortified soy beverage every day. This will help kids meet their calcium and vitamin D needs and build strong bones.
  • Offer nutritious foods even if they have a higher fat content. Give children a variety of nutritious foods, including some choices that contain fat (like milk, peanut butter, and avocado).
  • Limit foods and drinks high in calories, fat, sugar, or salt, like cookies, chips, and soft drinks.
  • Drink water. Encourage your children to drink water to quench their thirst and replenish body fluids.

Did you know?

Young children have small stomachs that get full quickly. Offer small amounts of food throughout the day by dividing food guide servings into kid-friendly portions. For example, one Food Guide Serving of meat and alternatives can be served at two different meals (like one egg at lunch, and about 35 g of chicken for dinner).

Kid-friendly meal ideas

Learn more about Food Guide Servings with some healthy menu ideas for a: