Social media sites

Social networking

Online social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, are made up of Internet applications that create online social structures that easily connect people all over the world. Some social networks might tell you how people know each other, allow for instant messaging or blog creation.

Fast facts

A blog, short for weblog, is an online publication or personal web-based diary, containing text, images and links.

Are your kids on a social network?

If your children are posting information about themselves online make sure they minimize their personal information exposure. When possible, do not post information like your full name, date of birth, home address, telephone number, social insurance number and anything that may be of interest to financial or sexual predators.

Privacy settings

When your kids sign up for a social network have them read the terms of agreement and the privacy policy to ensure the proper use and storage of your information. Users, like your children, should be aware of the social networking site's default security settings. Some of these settings will allow anyone to see all of your personal information.

10 steps to safe online social networking

Here are some easy steps you and your children should take when using online social networks:

  • Do your research. Carefully investigate any online social network you may want to join. Use only well known online services.
  • Once you have picked a service, carefully read and clearly understand their Terms of Use.
  • Carefully read and clearly understand the Privacy Policy. Avoid using services that share your information with other companies.
  • Never expect absolute privacy! Create your account without providing any critical personal information, like: date of birth, full name, social insurance number or address.
  • Protect your account profile with the highest and most restrictive security setting.
  • Build your profile. For each element of information added, ask yourself, "Can a financial or sexual predator benefit from this information?"
  • You control your online environment. Do not give strangers permission to view your profile.
  • Protect your friends. Be careful of what you are posting on the Internet about them.
  • Monitor your own page for personal information posted by friends in their messages. Also monitor your friends' pages for your personal information. A simple comment or photo may reveal your date of birth or give information that could be useful to predators.
  • Be creative, be safe and have fun!