Bunk beds

Be on top of bunk bed safety

Bunk beds are convenient and fun ways for kids to share a bedroom. To make sure your children enjoy their bunk safely, be clear with them about the 'rules' of use, and check that the bed you own -- or are thinking of buying -- meets current safety standards.

Check Health Canada's Consumer Product Recall Page for bunk beds that have been listed -- make sure yours is not one of them before making a purchase. Once you bring a bunk bed home, follow the manufacturer's instructions for assembly to make sure it's put together correctly.

Bunk bed dos and don'ts

Be clear with your children that:

  • They must be at least six years old before they can use the top bunk
  • They must always use the ladder when going up and down a bunk bed.
  • Only one person is allowed on top at a time.
  • It's not safe to play underneath a bunk bed unless it is specifically designed that way by the manufacturer.
  • They must not tie anything to the bed -- such as cords, sashes or ropes.
  • They must not keep large toys or other objects -- such as items with cords -- in the bed.

Most reported injuries from bunk beds occur because of falls from the top, kids getting their heads or bodies caught between the mattress and bed or between two different parts of the bed, and strangulation by cords or ropes tied to the bed.

Did you know...

Health Canada recommends you purchase only a bunk bed that meets the latest American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F1427 standard. Visit the manufacturer's website, ask your retailer or check the product label to find out if your bunk bed meets these standards.

What to look for when choosing a bunk bed

  • Check that the bed meets current ASTM standards, has a safety label, and comes with instructions for assembly and use.
  • Make sure the bed is sturdy and undamaged -- don't buy a metal bunk bed if it has cracks in its welds.
  • Make sure the top bunk has guardrails on all sides, even if the bed is placed against a wall.
  • To reduce risk of clothes being caught, make sure parts of the bed such as corner posts and ladders do not extend more than 5mm (0.2 in) above the upper edge of the bed.
  • Check that the mattress fits snugly against all four sides of the bed and is at least 127 mm (5 in) below the top guardrails and end panels.
  • Ensure that the ladder is always securely attached to the bed and in good condition. Don't remove it -- for any reason!

Did you know...

Replacing mattresses

Always make sure a replacement mattress is the correct size and thickness for your model of bunk bed. The ASTM label on the bunk bed will tell you the correct dimensions for the mattress.

Did you know...

Avoid hazards

Keep bunk beds away from window blinds or curtains with cords to avoid children becoming entangled and possibly strangled.