Pay Equity Settlement for Eligible MRC (CIHR) Employees

On February 26, 2013, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (formerly the Medical Research Council of Canada - MRC) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) reached a settlement with respect to Pay Equity.

Under the terms of this settlement, an "Eligible Employee" is defined as an MRC employee classified as a CR, DACON, STOCE, STSCY or STTYP during the period of March 8, 1985 to March 31, 1999, or a PE during the period of October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1999. The amount that will be paid to an Eligible Employee will be calculated on the basis of the number of days that the employee worked for the MRC (now CIHR) in those groups during the Pay Equity period. Time worked as a temporary office assistant, a casual employee or on secondment to the MRC from another employer will not be counted in the calculation of the Pay Equity Settlement amounts.

The CIHR (MRC) is pleased to have reached a mutually satisfactory agreement with PSAC.

If you are a former MRC employee who may be eligible to the settlement, please contact Lynn Laframboise as soon as possible at 613-954-1956 or by email at Former MRC employees who are "Eligible" have until March 31, 2014 to confirm their mailing address and to start the process.

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