
Every day, we face a number of health concerns. Smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, and diseases are just a handful of issues that may affect you and your family. Questions about health care, health cards, and health in Inuit and First Nations communities are equally present.

This section offers information on common health concerns and tips to ensure you and your family get the health care you need.


Chemicals are everywhere: in air, soil, water, products, and food. Every day, Canadians are exposed to a number of chemicals that can enter the body through eating, breathing, or skin contact.

Know the signs of tuberculosis and why it's important to treat it. The overall rate of tuberculosis is low in Canada, but some of our populations are affected more than others.

Educate yourself about drugs and how you can keep your child from using them.

Protect yourself, your family and your community from seasonal flu. Get your annual flu shot.

Understand the significant risks of smoking tobacco - to yourself and your family - and learn how you can get help to quit.

For some people, quitting is not that much of a challenge. Others have to plan carefully, get support and follow through on every small step. The good news is, many people quit every day, and so can you!