Service Alberta regulates the registration of all vital events that occur in Alberta such as births, deaths, marriages, and legal changes of name. Vital Statistics also provides statistical information to governments and approved health related agencies for comparison and research.

In addition, the Vital Statistics office is responsible for the registration of religious organizations and clergy who perform marriages, marriage commissioner appointments and providing burial permits. The office also processes delayed registration events and amendments to event records.

Most Vital Statistics' services are provided through the registry agent network, including the issuance of marriage licences and applications for birth, marriage and death certificates.


Becoming a Parent

Information about ordering a birth certificate, registering a birth, adopting, choosing a last name and making corrections to a birth registration. Read more

Dealing with Death

Information about how to order a death certificate, register a death, make corrections to a death register and obtain burial and disinter/reinter permits. Read more

Statistical Information

Contact information for Canadian and provincial vital statistics offices along with Alberta's top baby names and a summary of all births, deaths, marriages and stillbirths in Alberta for one calendar year. Read more

Stillbirth Information

Information about how to order a stillbirth certificate, register a stillbirth, make corrections to a stillbirth registration and obtain burial and disinter/reinter permits. Read more

Vital Statistics Searches

Information about genealogical (family tree) and record searches and how to apply for these searches. Read more