Report a health & safety concern

It is important to report side effects (adverse reactions), injuries, and other product-related health and safety concerns so we can make important safety decisions about the products you use.

If you are a health or industry professional, please see adverse reaction reporting for specific products.

If you are a Canadian consumer, choose the category below that best describes the product you want to report. Examples of each kind of product are provided to help you choose.


If you are suffering from a side effect (adverse reaction) or a serious injury related to a product, you should contact your doctor, health professional, local health authority, or provincial poison control centre.

Health products

Home and garden

Radiation-Emitting Devices

You can report a side effect (adverse reaction) to--or an incident with--a radiation-emitting device to the Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau.

Examples: ultrasound equipment, X-ray devices, microwave ovens, tanning equipment, and lasers.

For radiation-emitting devices used to diagnose or treat a medical condition, you can voluntarily report adverse reactions and injuries to the Medical Devices Program.