Annex 3 - SIN At Risk: To Do List for SIN Holders

The security of your Social Insurance Number (SIN) can be put at risk by anyone, including yourself, or any organization that holds your SIN, whether it is by:

  • theft (for example, of your SIN card, documents containing your SIN, or computer/electronic records containing your SIN)
  • disclosure, either deliberate or accidental, to an untrustworthy individual or organization.

If your SIN has been put at risk, there are steps you should take to minimize any potential damage. These steps should be taken immediately when you become aware of the situation. The sooner you act, the more likely you'll be able to prevent personal loss or, at least, keep negative results to a minimum.

Social Insurance Number At Risk: To Do List

  1. Figure out if any criminal activity (for example, theft or fraud) has taken place. If yes, contact:
    • Your local police
    • The Canadian Anti-fraud Call Centre at 1-888-495-8501 (This national anti-fraud call centre provides advice and assistance about identity theft).
  2. Contact Service Canada either: Service Canada agents will help you figure out what measures and precautions you should take regarding your Social Insurance Number.

  3. Contact Equifax and TransUnion, Canada 's two national credit bureaus to:
    • request a free copy of your credit report (one free report issued per year) so you can review your credit rating for any suspicious activity
    • consider whether to request that your credit file be flagged to indicate that your personal information has been put at risk and may be vulnerable to fraud.

    Contact information:

    • Equifax: 1-800-465-7166
    • TransUnion: 1-800-663-9980 (for residents of Québec, call 1-877-713-3393)
  4. Inform your bank and creditors by phone and in writing to reduce your financial risk.

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