Polar Continental Shelf Program

The PCSP Logistics Request Form for the 2014 field season is now available online. The form submission deadline is November 3, 2013. Please see our Arctic Logistics Requests page to access the online application. Please contact PCSP directly for any information on our program. See below for our contact information.

In accordance with Natural Resources Canada’s legislative authorities, the Polar Continental Shelf Program (PCSP) coordinates field logistics in support of advancing scientific knowledge and management of Canada’s lands and natural resources. As a national service delivery organization, PCSP coordinates logistics for Canadian government agencies, provincial and territorial government agencies, northern organizations, universities and independent groups conducting research in Canada’s North, and through this work, PCSP directly contributes to the exercise of Canadian arctic sovereignty.

The Polar Continental Shelf Program’s mission is to provide safe, efficient and cost-effective logistics services in support of science and Government priorities.

PCSP's field logistics services include:

  • coordination of charter air transportation to and from remote field camps throughout the Canadian Arctic
  • meals, accommodations and working space (including a multi-purpose laboratory facility) at the PCSP facility in Resolute, Nunavut
  • field equipment and vehicles for loan (including communications equipment)
  • fuel for aircraft, equipment and camps
  • a communications network that links PCSP with the scientific teams in field camps dispersed throughout the Arctic

Through its 50-year presence in the Canadian Arctic, PCSP has been continually acquiring expertise in supporting science projects, in understanding and maintaining sensitivity to local issues, and in providing advice on arctic logistics and operations, including the permitting, licensing and environmental assessment process, and the shipment of dangerous goods.

PCSP provides services that researchers need to make their field projects more efficient, safe and cost-effective. For instance, by coordinating multiple projects across the Canadian Arctic and seeking opportunities to share resources between projects, PCSP creates synergies and increases the feasibility of individual projects. PCSP also ensures that minimum safety standards are communicated and applied, and contacts researchers in their field camps twice a day to share vital information.  Researchers look to PCSP for expert advice from a trained team that knows the Arctic first-hand.

For further information about the PCSP, its services and the terms and conditions of support, please consult our brochure and the PCSP Arctic Operations Manual. You can also consult the Resolute Facility page, the PCSP History page, and our annual Science Reports to learn more about PCSP and the research that it supports.

If you are interested in requesting PCSP arctic logistics support, please go to the Arctic Logistics Requests page for information on how to apply, deadlines for submission of requests and access to the on-line logistics request form.

For Federal Government agencies wishing to borrow specialized field equipment and vehicles only for work across Canada, please go directly to the Field Equipment Requests page (available year-round).

Contact us

Polar Continental Shelf Program
Natural Resources Canada
615 Booth Street, Room 247
Ottawa ON K1A 0E9
Tel.: 613-947-1650
Fax: 613-947-1611
E-mail: pcsp@nrcan.gc.ca

Resolute Facility (between March and September)
P.O. Box 147
Resolute Bay NU X0A 0V0
Tel.: 867-252-3872
Fax: 867-252-3605
E-mail: resolute.pcsp@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

Technical Field Support Services
2464 Sheffield Road
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G1
Tel.: 613-949-0576
Fax: 613-990-0114
E-mail: E-FEL.TFSS@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca