ArcticNet - About us


Organization Chart

The ArcticNet Network of Centres of Excellence was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under the name "ArcticNet Inc." in December 2003.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall governance of the network and acts in accordance with the By-Laws of ArcticNet Inc. A majority of Board members are senior officials of organizations other than Participating Institutions, coming from Inuit organizations, government and industry. Subcommittees of the Board of Directors include the Executive Committee and the Audit & Finance Committee.

The Scientific Director is appointed by the Board of Directors to provide scientific leadership and strategic direction to the network. He is an ex-officio, voting member of the Board of Directors and the Research Management Committee (RMC). He also chairs the RMC.

A Research Management Committee (RMC) manages the research program and assures ongoing assessment of all projects in order to provide recommendations to the BOD regarding research priorities and budget allocations.

The Inuit Advisory Committee (IAC) provides guidance and recommendations related to needs and priorities of Inuit with regards to strategic planning, research needs/gaps, input of traditional knowledge, community involvement, participation, training and education. The committee reports to the Research Management Committee (RMC) and is composed of the Inuit ArcticNet Coordinator, the 4 Regional Inuit Research Advisors, Inuit Organization members of the RMC and ArcticNet’s Executive Director (non-voting).

As Chief Operating Officer, the Executive Director provides the leadership and direction for all network operations and ensures control and accountability on a day-to-day basis. He is an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Directors, the Research Management Committee and Inuit Advisory Committee.

The Administrative Director leads some of the day to day operations of the Network management, including administration, reporting and financial matters.

Acting under the direction of the Executive Director, ArcticNet’s Administrative Centre is located on the campus of Université Laval in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada and comprises the administrative offices of the network and includes its staff and equipment. The Administrative Centre is responsible for the daily operations of ArcticNet.

Board of Directors Scientific Director Research Management Committee Research Research Inuit Advisory Committee Executive Director Administrative Director Administrative Centre