ArcticNet - Rationale


The central objective of the Network is to translate our growing understanding of the changing Arctic into impact assessments, national policies and adaptation strategies. The direct involvement of Northerners in the scientific process is a primary goal of the Network that will be fulfilled through bilateral exchange of knowledge, training and technology. The Network is built around a research icebreaker that will help solve the want of observations in the coastal Canadian Arctic. ArcticNet provides a unique multi-disciplinary and cross-sector environment for the training of the next generation of scientists (including Northerners) urgently needed to ensure the stewardship of a new Canadian Arctic.

General Objectives

  1. Build synergy among existing Centres of excellence in the natural, medical and social arctic sciences.
  2. Increase and update the observational basis needed to address the ecosystem-level questions raised by climate change (and modernization) in the Arctic.
  3. To involve Northerners in the scientific process through bilateral exchange of knowledge, training and technology.
  4. To provide academic researchers and their national and international collaborators with stable access to the coastal Canadian Arctic.
  5. To contribute to the training of the next generation of young scientists (including Northerners) needed to study, model, manage and ensure the stewardship of the changing Canadian Arctic.
  6. To consolidate international collaborations in the study of the Canadian Arctic.
  7. To translate our growing understanding of the changing Arctic into impact assessments, national policies and adaptation strategies.