ArcticNet - About us

Media Project Proposal Guidelines

ArcticNet is a Network of Centres of Excellence of Canada based out of Université Laval in Québec, Canada. Bringing together scientists and managers in the natural, human health and social sciences with their partners from Inuit organizations, northern communities, federal and provincial agencies and the private sector, ArcticNet offers a unique and exciting environment to study the impacts of climate change in the Canadian Arctic. Over 145 researchers from 30 Canadian Universities, 8 federal and 11 provincial agencies and departments are involved with ArcticNet, working in collaboration with research teams from all over the world.

The Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker, CCGS Amundsen, serves as ArcticNet’s primary research platform providing unparalleled access to Canada’s Arctic marine environment from the Beaufort Sea in the west to Baffin Bay and the Labrador Coast in the east, and from the northern archipelago to southern Hudson Bay.

In addition to the Amundsen’s Coast Guard crew, up to 43 science personnel can be accommodated onboard. A multitude of research topics are explored; from viruses, fish, and whales to human health issues, and from seafloor geology to upper atmosphere processes.

A critical part of ArcticNet’s mandate is the communication of this multidisciplinary research to the public through talented and enthusiastic media and communication experts. As such, ArcticNet is open to proposals from media professionals in the film, television, writing, and visual arts fields, who are interested in exploring and presenting the organization’s dynamic Arctic research exploits.

Proposal submissions should include:

  • The name of the media organization and primary contact
  • An explanation of the type of media activities
  • The expected number of party members requesting berth space aboard the CCGS Amundsen
  • The expected dates and duration of the project aboard the vessel
  • Any equipment/infrastructure requirements (e.g. helicopter or zodiac access)
  • A projected budget, funding sources, and list of collaborators
  • A thorough description of the proposed project
  • An explanation of the project’s planned media outputs, audience, and how the project will further the aims of ArcticNet’s science communications mandate, including increasing public awareness of the Arctic environment

Applicants should mention any related projects (past or present) and include work samples where applicable. Proposals may be written in French or English, have a maximum of 4 pages (not including work samples and budget), and be saved in .pdf or .doc format. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted.


Please address all inquiries and electronic submissions to:
Keith Levesque
Ship-Based Research Coordinator
Telephone: (418) 656-3071