Regulatory modernization

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is undertaking a review of its regulations for food safety, plant and animal health to improve their consistency, reduce their complexity and strengthen consumer protection.

What is regulatory modernization?

The CFIA is committed to continuous improvement. Even though Canada already has a top-tier food safety, animal and plant health system, our goal is to provide Canadians with the safest food in the world while protecting Canada's plant and animal resource base.

As part of a multi-year, structured and comprehensive review of its regulatory frameworks, the Agency aims to ensure that safety is the overarching consideration and that regulations align with leading industry practices, and are outcome-based and transparent.

Regulatory modernization complements inspection modernization, the proposed new food safety legislation and the refocusing of the Agency's activities on its core mandate signalled through Budget 2012, as together they aim to

  • keep food safe and protect our animal and plant resource base
  • provide the appropriate level of government oversight
  • deliver services more consistently
  • integrate changes in science and technology.

The CFIA is examining what regulatory changes may be required in order to support a modernized inspection approach across all of its activities. The Agency is also looking at how an improved inspection model can work within the current regulatory framework.

Benefits for consumers

Modernized regulations will enable an environment of improved business opportunity and consumer choice by facilitating innovation and competitiveness.

Throughout the regulatory modernization process, the CFIA will continue to seek feedback from consumers and consumer associations.

Benefits for industry

Modernized regulations will reduce unnecessary regulatory burden; provide clarity and flexibility in regulations; and support innovation and changes in science and technology.

Benefits for CFIA

Modernized regulations make good business sense for the CFIA. It will reduce overlap in regulations and will complement the federal government's efforts to increase the regulatory cooperation that exists with the United States, our largest agriculture and agri-food trading partner.

Modernized regulations also allow for harmonization with international standards, to the extent possible, and bring our regulatory frameworks in line with scientific and technological advancements.

What information is available?