The Canadian government's wireless policy is clearReader Rating: 3.75Star

  1. @ICMoreChoice
  2. Spectrum auctions
  3. Telecommunications policy
  4. Internet, radio and wireless
Image of the Canadian Parliament sending out a clear signal. Pause animation

The Canadian government's
wireless policy is clear.

More choice. Lower prices. Better service.

Back in 2008, Canada's largest wireless companies held almost all of the
wireless airwaves needed for mobile networks. Prices were higher,
and there was less competition… continue

2008-Canada's largest wireless companies had 97% of the wireless airwaves. The other companies had 3%.

The Government has taken action and new competitors have emerged. Canadians now have more choice. Prices have fallen by almost 20% and jobs in the wireless industry have increased by 25%. Yet, the same major companies still hold more than 85% of the wireless airwaves… continue

2013-Canada's largest wireless companies have more than 85% of the wireless spectrum. The others share the rest.

Canada's largest wireless companies currently hold
more than 90% of the Canadian market… continue

2013-Canada's largest wireless companies hold over 90% of the market. The others share the rest.

The upcoming auctions are an opportunity to build on our success and provide Canadians with more choice.

Because more choice means
lower prices and better service.

Cut through the noise

Canada's largest wireless companies have suggested the government has special rules that favour major foreign companies. Click or tap to cut the noi
FACT: The rules for the upcoming auctions assist all new entrants, Canadian or foreign, large or small, to provide competition in the best interest of Canadian consumers. These rules were put in place following extensive consultations with industry and Canadians. Find out more.
Your privacy is at risk if you choose a foreign cell phone provider. Click or tap to cut the noi
FACT: Canada has strong privacy laws to ensure our citizens' personal information is safeguarded. These laws apply equally to all organizations that collect such information in Canada. The laws prevent any provider from disclosing personal information except with consent or when permissible by Canadian law. Find out more.
There is already enough competition in the wireless market. Click or tap to cut the noi
FACT: Canada's largest wireless companies currently hold more than 85% of Canada's wireless airwaves and hold more than 90% of the Canadian market. Wouldn't it be nice to have more choice?
Find out more.
Service to rural Canadians will be negatively affected if new competitors enter the wireless market. Click or tap to cut the noi
FACT: Today, over 99% of Canadians have access to high-speed broadband. We have set strong rural requirements—the first of their kind in Canada—that will apply to those companies best positioned to deploy in rural areas. Additionally, updated roaming requirements ensure that your provider can offer service outside their coverage area. Find out more.
The Government has not considered what Canadians think about these policies and should take more time to consult. Click or tap to cut the noi
FACT: The Government has consulted extensively with Canadians on the future of Canada's wireless sector. The message has been consistent and clear: Canadians want more choice, better service and lower prices. The Government's policies have been designed to achieve this and are the result of years of working and consulting with Canadians and stakeholders. Find out more.
The Government's policies are costing Canadians jobs in the wireless sector. Click or tap to cut the noi
FACT: Since 2008, the total number of jobs in Canada's wireless industry has increased by more than 25%. In fact, according to the CWTA demand for skilled specialists is so great that post-secondary institutions are creating programs specifically for jobs in the industry. 
Find out more.

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Key dates—What you need to know about the 700 MHz spectrum auction



12:00 noon (EDT) on
September 17, 2013

Deadline for receipt of applications to participate in the auction and 5% of the pre-auction financial deposits

  • The 5% deposit due is based on the number of blocks the applicant wants to acquire.
  • Each block is worth a certain number of eligibility points.
  • Each eligibility point is worth $130,000.



September 23, 2013

Publication of the list of applicants, with beneficial ownership and associated entities information

  • Beneficial ownership is the ownership structure of the applicant (who the major owners are, etc.).
  • Associated entities are the companies the applicant has relationships or agreements with in relation to the 700 MHz spectrum.
  • This information has been posted on the Industry Canada website.



October 22, 2013

Publication of the list of provisionally qualified bidders

  • A list of all provisionally qualified applicants (based on Industry Canada's review of ownership and associated entities, compliance with the rules, etc.) will be published.
  • Applicants are provisionally qualified until they have paid the full deposit (see next date below).
  • This information will be posted on the Industry Canada website, and there will be a link from



12:00 noon (EDT) on
October 29, 2013

Deadline for receipt of the remaining 95% of pre-auction financial deposits

  • Applicants must submit 95% of the deposit by this date to be fully qualified to bid in the auction.



November 8, 2013

Publication of final list of qualified bidders

  • A list of all qualified applicants who have submitted 100% of their deposit and met all eligibility requirements to participate in the auction will be published.
  • This information will be posted on the Industry Canada website, and there will be a link from



Beginning November 27, 2013

Auction preparation for qualified bidders

  • Bidders will receive training on the auction software.
  • Industry Canada will also hold an information session and mock auctions for qualified bidders.



January 14, 2014

Auction start—opening of bidding

  • Web-based bidding takes place via secure specialized software at a location of each bidder's choosing.


of bidding

Following cessation of bidding

Announcement and publication of provisional licence winners

Submission of ownership and control documentation (where applicable)

  • The names of the provisional winning bidders, licences won and prices to be paid will be published within five days after bidding has ended.
  • Provisional winners must pay 20% of the final amount within 10 business days of the announcement.
  • This information will be posted on the Industry Canada website, and there will be a link from



Final payment

  • Provisional winners must pay the remaining 80% of the final amount within 30 business days after the announcement of the provisional licence winners.



Issuance of licences

  • Licences will be issued once all payments are made and provisional winners are found to be compliant with ownership and control requirements, where applicable.

We heard you, Canada

What Canadians have to fear from more competition in their pricey phone market is unclear.

—The Economist, September 7, 2013

[Minister] Moore, his predecessors and Prime Minister Stephen Harper have been pretty consistent in their position – they believe they have the right rules in place to encourage more wireless competition.

—Peter Nowak, journalist, blogger
Blog, September 3, 2013

Despite [the] campaign, the government should stick with its approach to encourage new competition.

—Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law
Toronto Star, September 3, 2013

I commend the government's unflinching commitment to consumers by holding the course on the wireless competition policy.

—Anthony Lacavera, CEO, Wind Mobile
Globe and Mail, September 3, 2013

The new Minister of Industry, James Moore, is strongly resisting the rent-seeking arguments of the Big Three and promoting the interests of Canadian consumers by encouraging greater competition in the marketplace. Fortunately for us, he understands the difference between business interests and the national interest.

—Christopher Ragan, Associate Professor, McGill University
Globe and Mail, August 27, 2013

Canadian consumers don't buy the industry spin—they want lower wireless prices and they know that means stopping the big three from shutting out competition.

Consumers Association of Canada president Bruce Cran, in a Public Interest Advocacy Centre news release

Faced with a choice between an American company fighting to gain a foothold in a hostile market or a Canadian one who takes my hard earned money for granted, I'll pick the lesser of two evils.

Blogger Ben Klass, "I Am Canadian, a Reply to Bell's Open Letter"

Consumers are telling us they welcome the new choices Verizon's entry will bring…We are hearing also that Consumers are offended by the extravagance of the major telecom's massive advertising program attacking the Harper Government's decision.

Consumers Association of Canada news release

The public already appears to believe wireless prices are too high and supports the government's efforts to encourage more competition in the market.

Abacus Data CEO David Coletto, in The Wire Report (subscription required)

...High cell phone prices…are acting as a dead weight on job creation and economic opportunity across the country. executive director Steve Anderson, in Ottawa Life Magazine

Right now, we pay some of the highest prices in the industrialized world for some really horrible service, and that one way or the other needs to change. executive director Steve Anderson, to CBC News

…With Verizon we are not proposing to gift anything, but we are offering the right to bid to buy more than a single block. Given that the incumbents hold over 90 percent of the available spectrum already, that only seems fair, and appropriate if, in fact, a little stingy in terms of a welcome.

Seaboard Group managing director Iain Grant, to the Canadian Press

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