
O Canada!

Canada is known around the world as a strong and free country. Canadians are proud of their unique identity.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) grants Canadian citizenship to thousands of people at hundreds of ceremonies held across the country each year.

Become a Canadian citizen

Apply for citizenship

See if you are eligible to apply for citizenship.  Take the steps you need to take to become a citizen.

Study for the test

Prepare for the test

Find out about the test, how to study for it and what happens after. Prepare for the test using CIC’s official study guide, Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship. You can read it or listen to it for free on our website. It is also available at no cost as a:

  • book,
  • PDF,
  • eBook,
  • mobile app or
  • MP3.
Get a citizenship certificate

Get proof of citizenship

Learn about the citizenship certificate.  Find out which documents you can use as proof of citizenship.

Become a Canadian citizen again

Resume citizenship

Find out what you need to do if you gave up your Canadian citizenship in the past and want to become a Canadian citizen again.

Renounce your citizenship

Give up citizenship

Learn how to give up your Canadian citizenship.

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Discover Canada

Study for your citizenship test and learn about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship

Find a citizenship ceremony