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National Victims of Crime Awareness Week (Victims Week) is held in April every year. The goal of Victims Week is to raise awareness about issues facing victims of crime and the services, programs and laws in place to help victims and their families.

Victims Week 2014 will take place from April 6-12, 2014. The theme Taking Action recognizes that:

  • Throughout Canada, countless dedicated professionals and volunteers take action to better serve victims of crime every day. Criminal justice service providers give information and meaningful support to victims and their families at the community, provincial, territorial and federal levels.

  • Over the past three decades, Canada has made significant advances towards giving victims a more effective voice in the criminal justice system. By working together collaboratively, all levels of government are taking action on issues important to victims of crime. The Government of Canada will continue to build on this momentum to make meaningful change for victims of crime in Canada.

  • The first levels of support for many victims of crime is family and friends. All Canadians can take action by helping victims of crime access the services available to them. Victims Week 2014 provides a backdrop for a national discussion about the laws, services and programs available for victims of crime at the community, provincial, territorial and federal level.