Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

About us

Our mission: Serving Canada with high-quality statistical information that matters.

What we do

Statistics Canada, a member of the Industry Portfolio, produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture.

In addition to conducting a Census every five years, there are about 350 active surveys on virtually all aspects of Canadian life.

In Canada, providing statistics is a federal responsibility. As Canada’s central statistical office, Statistics Canada is legislated to serve this function for the whole of Canada and each of the provinces and territories.

Objective statistical information is vital to an open and democratic society. It provides a solid foundation for informed decisions by elected representatives, businesses, unions and non-profit organizations, as well as individual Canadians. As a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission, Statistics Canada endorses the Fundamental principles of official statistics.

We at Statistics Canada are committed to protecting the confidentiality of all information entrusted to us and to ensuring that the information we deliver is timely and relevant to Canadians.

Our data

  • Advisory groups
    Emerging issues prompt demands for new kinds of data. Maintaining the relevance of our program by meeting these information needs is one of Statistics Canada’s primary goals. This is why Statistics Canada relies on many advisory groups.

  • Stakeholders
    Statistics Canada has a wide range of stakeholders. These are groups that we depend on to supply data and share expertise as well as those that benefit from the information we produce.

  • How data are used

  • Review of Quality Assurance Practices