Census Profile - About the data

The Census of Population collects data on every person in Canada based on where he/she lives on a set date or at a specific point in time. The 2011 Census was conducted in May 2011. The basic unit of measurement is the dwelling. In other words, the census begins by locating all places of residence in Canada. For each occupied private dwelling, there is one household which consists of the sum of one or more persons residing in a dwelling.

The 2011 Census population counts for a particular area represent the number of Canadians whose usual place of residence is in that area, regardless of where they happened to be on Census Day. Also included are any Canadians staying in a dwelling in that area on Census Day and having no usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada, as well as those considered non-permanent residents.

The population counts presented in this profile are those collected from the Census in 2011. Please note that the most appropriate 2011 population figures for Canada, provinces, territories, and census metropolitan areas are the population estimates. See the explanatory note.