2011 Census Content Consultation


The 2011 Census Content Consultation Guide communicated the 2011 Census context, proposed content directions and key milestones. It also served to:

  • explain the factors influencing 2011 Census content determination.
  • introduce the activities related to content determination.
  • present the 2011 Census content changes currently being contemplated.
  • assist users in contributing ideas and suggestions for the 2011 Census.


The 2011 Census Content Consultation Report imparts the findings generated during the April to November 2007 consultation period. A multi-pronged strategy was used to obtain input from data users and stakeholders for the 2011 Census content. In-person consultations, communication campaigns and the Internet yielded over 1,200 comments on this subject.

The feedback we received was referenced by census specialists throughout the 2011 Census content determination process and was also examined by Statistics Canada experts in other socio economic statistical programs.

Some proposed recommendations were tested during the 2008 Census Content Test conducted on May 13, 2008. Others will lay the groundwork for the censuses of 2016 and 2021.

Statistics Canada wishes to thank you for your contribution to the 2011 Census content.