Data products

Your guide to statistical information from the census

These products provide statistical information about the population, households, dwellings and families as measured in the census. For a detailed description of data products, refer to the Preview of Census Products and Services.

Census Profile

Census Profile: Provides a statistical overview of various geographic areas based on a number of detailed variables.

Topic-based tabulations

Topic-based tabulations: Present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. They range in complexity and are available for various levels of geography.

Highlight tables

Highlight tables: Provide information highlights by topic via key indicators for various levels of geography.

Focus on Geography Series

Focus on Geography Series: Provides quick access to key results from the census at different levels of geography.

Data visualization

Visual Census: Facilitates the analysis and comparison of the changing demographic and socio composition of selected geographic areas across Canada.

Census Data Navigator: Allows the user to navigate through Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions and census subdivisions to obtain population and dwelling counts from the 2011 Census.

Historical age pyramid (1921 to 2011): The age structure of Canada, provinces and territories over time.

Comparison age pyramid (2006 and 2011): Allows the user to compare the age structure of two different levels of geography; Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations.