Official Languages Secretariat

Teacher with children in a classroom

Welcome to the Official Languages Secretariat website, the division responsible with coordinating the Government of Canada's activities in official languages.


Contribute, through strategic and coordinated government action, to making Canada a country in which Canadians understand and benefit from linguistic duality.


The Secretariat supports the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages and senior officials from federal departments, institutions and agencies in coordinating all Government of Canada activities on official languages.


The Secretariat fulfills this mission by:

  • Establishing the strategic direction of the Official Languages Program;
  • Fostering coordinated government action;
  • Providing guidance and advice;
  • Facilitating intergovernmental cooperation;
  • Informing departments and institutions who are partners in the Official Languages Program of government commitments and priorities relating to their obligations under the Official Languages Act;
  • Disseminating research results and;
  • Enhancing the accountability of federal departments, institutions and agencies.


In 2003, a Minister responsible for Official Languages was sworn in for the first time. The Official Languages Branch of Intergovernmental Affairs was then created within the Privy Council Office to support the Minister in the coordination of the Official Languages Program.

On April 1, 2006, this team joined the Department of Canadian Heritage and became the Official Languages Secretariat and continued to support the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages.