Recent releases from The Daily

November 12, 2013
Manufacturing at a glance: The Canadian lumber industry, 2003 to 2012
Canada produced 54.5 million cubic metres of softwood lumber in 2012, up 5.0% from 2011. Softwood lumber accounts for almost 98% of Canadian lumber production. While softwood production rose in 2012, hardwood lumber production declined 13.2% to 1.3 million cubic metres.

November 8, 2013
Labour Force Survey, October 2013
Employment was little changed for the second consecutive month and the unemployment rate remained at 6.9% in October.

November 8, 2013
Provincial and territorial economic accounts, 2012
Economic growth was slower for most provinces and territories in 2012 compared with 2011. Nationally, real gross domestic product increased 1.7% following 2.5% growth in 2011.

November 6, 2013
Building permits, September 2013
Contractors took out $6.5 billion worth of building permits in September, up 1.7% from August and the seventh monthly advance since the beginning of the year. However, there has only been a slight upward trend in the total value of building permits over the nine-month period. The September increase came from the residential sector, mainly in Alberta and Quebec.

October 31, 2013
Gross domestic product by industry, August 2013
Real gross domestic product rose 0.3% in August, after increasing 0.6% in July and declining 0.5% in June. An increase in oil and gas extraction and widespread gains in service industries were the main contributors to the August growth.

October 31, 2013
Payroll employment, earnings and hours, August 2013
Average weekly earnings of non-farm payroll employees were $918 in August, up 0.4% from the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, weekly earnings increased 1.3%.

October 30, 2013
Foreign control in the Canadian economy, 2011
In 2011, the value of assets, revenues and profits increased for both foreign and Canadian-controlled enterprises. The shares of foreign-controlled assets and revenues declined from 2010, while the share of profits under foreign control increased over the previous year.

October 29, 2013
Industrial product and raw materials price indexes, September 2013
The Industrial Product Price Index declined 0.3% in September, mainly because of lower prices for primary metal products and petroleum and coal products. The Raw Materials Price Index fell 1.5%, led by mineral fuels and vegetable products.

October 28, 2013
Individual Internet use and e-commerce, 2012
The value of orders placed online by Canadians reached $18.9 billion in 2012, up 24% from 2010 when the survey was last conducted. More than half of Internet users (56%) ordered goods or services online in 2012, up from 51% in 2010.

October 24, 2013
Employment Insurance, August 2013
In August, 511,900 people received regular Employment Insurance benefits, up 1.5% (+7,800) from July. Compared with August 2012, the number of beneficiaries fell by 7.8%.