Report on Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality and Conferences 2012-2013

As required by the Treasury Board Directive on the Management of Expenditures on Travel, Hospitality and Conferences, this report provides information on the total annual expenditures for each of travel, hospitality and conferences for the Department of National Defence (DND) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013.  It also provides variance explanations from the previous year in each of these areas.

This information is updated annually and does not contain information withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act.

Expenditures on travel, hospitality and conferences incurred by federal departments and agencies are for the most part directly related to supporting departmental mandate(s) and the government’s priorities.

Raison d’être and Responsibilities

The National Defence Act establishes DND and the Canadian Forces as separate entities, operating with an integrated National Defence Headquarters, as they pursue their primary responsibility of providing defence for Canada and Canadians. On behalf of the people of Canada, Defence stands ready to perform three key roles:

The Defence mandate is carried out with the support of a group of related organizations and agencies within the portfolio of the Minister of National Defence. For further details on selected Defence Portfolio organizations, please refer to the DND Report on Plans and Priorities Section IV: Other Items of Interest – Selected Defence Portfolio HR and Financial Resources. For further information on the legislative framework within which Defence operates, please see the DND Report on Plans and Priorities Section IV: Other Items of Interest – Legislative Environment.

Total annual expenditures for Travel, Hospitality and Conferences of the Department of national Defence are summarized below:

Department of National Defence
Report on Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality and Conferences

Expenditure Category Expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2013
(in thousands of dollars)
Expenditures for the previous year ending March 31, 2012
(in thousands of dollars)
(in thousands of dollars)
Travel – Public Servants $355,515 $405,772 -$50,257
Travel – Non-Public Servants $9,519 $10,519 -$1,000
International Travel by Minister and Minister’s Staff (also included in Non-Public Servant travel)* $119 $304 -$185
Total Travel $365,035 $416,291 -$51,256


$2,070 $2,406 -$336

Conference Fees

$1,966 $2,547 -$581


$369,070 $421,244 -$52,173

( * ) Includes international travel that is part of the department’s program.

Significant Variances Compared to the Previous Fiscal Year


Compared to fiscal year 2011-12, departmental travel costs decreased across all categories by over $51M. These decreases are a result of ongoing efforts within the department to find economies wherever possible; such as utilizing alternate methods to face to face meetings (e.g. virtual presence), sending minimal delegations and reducing the number of meetings requiring travel.


Compared to fiscal year 2011-12, departmental hospitality expenditures decreased mainly due to an ongoing effort to reduce hospitality costs across the board. Many traditional hospitality events were cancelled, combined or lessened in scope.


Compared to fiscal year 2011-12, departmental conference expenditures decreased mainly due to an ongoing effort to reduce conference costs across the board, and explore alternate means of communicating and sharing knowledge within the various knowledge communities. For example, there has been greater use of electronic media and teleconferencing.