
1. What is "Ask Us!"?

“Ask Us!” is a new feature on the Nutrition North Canada website that allows you to directly ask questions. The questions and responses will be available so that anyone visiting the NNC website can see them.

2. How do I submit my question?

Once on the “Ask Us!” page, click on the “Ask Us!” button on the top right corner. You will be taken to a submission form. Fill in the form with the required information. Once you have completed the form, click on “Submit” to submit your question.

3. When will I receive an answer to my question?

You can expect to receive an answer to your question within a 72 hour business day period. 

4. Can I submit a question in English or French?

Yes, you may submit your question in the official language of your choice. The answer will be provided in both official languages.

5. How do I report technical problems?

If you find evidence of a technical problem, you can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .