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Home / Job Seekers / Career Planning / Exploring Careers / Networking
Networking involves contacting or connecting with family, friends, employers or others for one or all of the following purposes:
to explore careers
to connect to the visible and hidden job markets
to market yourself – your skills and abilities to friends, family and prospective employers
to find support

You may network or make contact with individuals in the following ways:

Making cold calls in person or on the phone
Writing letters
Informational interviews
Electronic networking

Click on any of the above to learn more about how to use and when to use the certain strategy.


Check out the links below on Networking & the Hidden Job Market:

Hidden Job Market

What is the Hidden Job Market?
Success Tips for the Hidden Job Market?
Researching Companies
Get Networked!
Step-by-Step Plan For Finding Jobs that are Never Advertised.
Why Network
Networking Comes in Many Forms.
How to Identify Networking Contacts.
Benefits gained by Connecting with People You Know.

Making Cold Calls in Person or on the Phone

When contacting people by phone or in person, it is important to be prepared:

Do you have a script written out in your mind or on paper? It may include:

- the purpose of your contact - Is it for a job lead? Information on occupational job trends? Or how this individual has succeeded in his/her career?
- your skills and abilities and how they match with a prospective employer’s needs
- use the telephone script found in the Job Search Handbook to get you started.

Do you have your job search binder or a notebook and a pen to record information?

Do you have a calendar to check and record times for other possible meetings?

There is a good chance that you will not connect with the person you want directly on your first attempt. So be prepared to talk with an administrative support individual or be ready to leave your message on a voice mail or answering system. Here you may even want to write out and practice the script that you would leave.

The following sites gives some excellent information on how to communicate effectively on the telephone.

Tips for Telephone Success

Telephone Etiquette Tips

Many individuals experience anxiety around contacting employers in person and on the phone. If you are one of these individuals, you may want to explore stress management techniques.

Writing Letters

Letters are another way to network and make contact with possible employers. Letters may be used in the following ways:

To ask for an informational interview

To follow-up after a telephone call

As a cover letter with a resume

As a follow-up letter to an informational interview or a follow-up letter to an actual interview

Electronic Networking

The internet is becoming a more popular place to network for a variety of reasons including finding job leads, researching occupations, and finding support.

These sites provide help on how to network electronically:

E-mail Etiquette lessons - How to keep your email out of employer's computer trash bins.

Put Your Best Electronic Foot Foward - Learn about the basics.

Electronic Networking

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