• Missing Malaysia Airline Plane: What We Know Now

    Witness Claims He Saw Fiery Debris But Planes See No Sign of Wreckage

    ABC News
  • House backs bill to sue president over laws

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Casting Barack Obama as a president run amok, the House voted on Wednesday for a bill that would expedite congressional lawsuits against the chief executive for failure to enforce federal laws.

    Associated Press
  • Florida Police 'Ticket' 2-Year-Old Girl Driving White Convertible

    Florida Police ‘Ticket’ 2-Year-Old Girl Driving White Convertible A 2-year-old in Jacksonville, Fla., will have to start doing some chores now to pay off the $4 “ticket” she received Tuesday from police officers while driving her white convertible toy car around her apartment complex. The...

    ABC News
  • Lawyer: Dad doesn't deny tossing toddler in creek

    FREEHOLD, N.J. (AP) — The lawyer for a man charged with killing his 2-year-old daughter by tossing her into a creek while still strapped into her car seat said Wednesday the real question for the jury is not whether he did it but whether he was thinking clearly that night.

    Associated Press
  • ‘Frozen’ Gay Conspiracy Theory

    Hide your kids! Anti-gay conspiracy theorists warn that the critically-acclaimed cartoon is actually homosexual propaganda.

    The Daily Beast
  • US hits 'provocative' China move on Philippine ships

    The United States on Wednesday accused China of raising tensions by blocking two Philippines vessels as it urged freedom of navigation in the tense South China Sea. The United States, a treaty-bound ally of Manila, said it was "troubled" by Sunday's incident in which China prevented movement of two…

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    Building collapse in NYC (59 photos)

    An explosion followed by a fire at a pair of apartment buildings in upper Manhattan on Wednesday has left two people dead and at least 22 injured, officials say. The FDNY said it received a call shortly after 9:30 a.m. reporting a large explosion in the five-story apartment building on Park Avenue…

    Yahoo News
  • Mini-skirt turbulence at Japan budget airline

    A Japanese budget airline has flown into rough air over its decision to outfit flight attendants in revealing mini-skirts, drawing criticism that it could invite sexual harassment. Skymark Airlines came under fire from the cabin crew's labour union, which said the super-short skirt -- with a…

  • New Jersey teen who sued parents returns home: lawyers

    By Victoria Cavaliere NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New Jersey teen who drew international attention when she sued her parents to demand they pay her tuition after she moved out of their house has decided to return home, but their legal battle has not yet been settled, attorneys said Wednesday. Rachel…

  • Healthy Baby Girl Born After Rare Abdominal Pregnancy

    A pregnant woman with a stomach ache turned out to have a serious pregnancy complication that was missed during her previous ultrasound exams: The woman's 32-week-old fetus was growing within her abdomen, outside her uterus, according to a new report of her case. When doctors examined the woman…

  • Russia can't thwart Afghan war drawdown, U.S. commander says

    By Phil Stewart and David Alexander WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia, locked in a standoff with the West over Ukraine, would be unable to thwart a complete or partial U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan even if it cut off access to Russian supply routes, a top U.S. general said on Wednesday. Asked at a…

  • Amazon Accused of Cheating on Free Shipping

    Amazon claims that a $79 annual membership for Amazon Prime provides free two-day shipping on "millions" of items, but for some products, the company is accused of encouraging sellers to inflate shipping prices, according to two recent lawsuits.

    ABC News
  • Carmelo: Jackson 'coming on board' with Knicks

    Carmelo Anthony said Wednesday that he has heard Phil Jackson will be "coming on board" with the New York Knicks, the strongest indication yet that the 11-time NBA champion coach will soon be taking over the team's basketball operations.

    Associated Press
  • What your flight attendant really thinks of you

    Ever wonder what your flight attendant really thinks of you? I have a number of friends who work as flight attendants. All I can say is that these people do not represent every single flight attendant in the skies, so if you're a flight attendant yourself, please hold your fire and don't shoot the…

  • Nissan's Z car appeal continues

    Nissan's well-known "Z'' rear-drive sports car that started in the 1970s still pulls at the heart strings of driving enthusiasts with its sporty, two-seat cabin, low-to-the-pavement stance, racetrack-ready stiff ride and strong V-6 power.

    Associated Press
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    Hippo saves gnu from crocodile (11 photos)

    This is the amazing moment a heroic hippo saved a gnu from certain death. After being bitten by a crocodile, the large antelope is seen being dragged slowly under the water. Captured whilst on safari in Masai Mara in Kenya, the exhausted antelope later managed to escape to safety. But in a…

    Yahoo News
  • Convicted criminal says he’s too morbidly obese for prison

    On three different dates, sentenced criminal James Olivos has failed to surrender and report to prison, claiming that he won’t get the right treatment for his morbid obesity.

    Odd News
  • 911 Call Reveals Ore. Family Held Hostage by Fat Cat

    A Portland family was forced to hide in a bedroom and call 911 after they say they were terrorized by their 22-pound pet cat. “I have a kind of particular emergency here,” Portland resident Lee Palmer can be heard telling a 911 dispatcher during the...

    ABC News
  • New leak shows clearest images yet of All New HTC One

    The gorgeous device you see pictured above is not The All New HTC One, but it does provide our best look yet at HTC’s upcoming new flagship smartphone for 2014. How does that make sense? It’s actually a dummy — an exact replica modeled after the real device that is used in display arrangements in…

    BGR News
  • Militia squeezes out Ukraine's remaining links to Crimea

    Simferopol (Ukraine) (AFP) - On the roads, at the train stations and the airport, a ragtag militia of pro-Russian forces is gradually squeezing the links that connect Crimea to the rest of Ukraine. They are there to protect what they believe is now all-but formally Russian territory from the…
