Jim Burt Screenwriting Prize

On April 22nd at the 17th Annual WGC Screenwriting Awards, the Jim Burt Screenwriting Prize was presented to Adam Garnet Jones for his screenplay Wild Medicine. Congratulations Adam.

The winner of the Jim Burt Screenwriting Prize is presented with a total prize worth $3,500 - a $1,500 cash prize, and $2,000 allotted for an experienced story editor of the jury’s choosing in order to further develop their script.


This prize was created to continue the work of the late Jim Burt in recognizing and nurturing new longform screenwriting talent by awarding development support to an exceptionally promising unproduced longform screenplay that tells a Canadian story. In a 20-year career at the CBC, Jim’s championing of Canadian writers and their stories resulted in the production of some 75 longform dramas including The War Between Us, The Boys of St. Vincent, The Arrow, Peacekeepers, and Nights Below Station Street. These productions met with national and international acclaim and embodied excellence in Canadian storytelling.

The winning screenplay is determined by a jury, which selects the best unproduced longform screenplay telling a Canadian story in the tradition of the projects Jim Burt championed.

The winner, announced at the WGC Screenwriting Awards on April 22, 2013, will be presented with a total prize worth $3,500. The winner will receive a $1,500 cash prize, and $2,000 will be allotted for an experienced story editor of the jury’s choosing in order to further develop their script.

The Jim Burt Award is made possible with the generous support of individual donors as well as:






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Photo by Christina Gapic

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AUGUST 5, 2014
  • Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

AUGUST 5, 2014

Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

Romina Dermardirosian will hold intensive workshops on Film,Theater and Television writing at Glendon Campus of York University on Saturday August 23rd, and Sunday August 24th from 10AM to 4PM. Author Vinita Kinra will talk about Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing (Aug. 23) and teleplay writing (Aug. 24).  For registration please contact Glendon office: http://www.glendon.yorku.ca/extendedlearning/contactus.html Tel: 416-487-6780 Fax: 416-487-6781

AUGUST 21, 2014
  • Montreal World Film Festival

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