Paid Positions for WGC Members

Bell Media Diverse Screenwriters Program - Workshop Leader

In connection with the Bell Media Diverse Screenwriters Program, the WGC is looking for members to apply for the position of Workshop Leader.

While this position is for the Eastern Canada session of the Program, members from across the country can apply. The deadline is Friday, February 21, 2014. You can find the job description here. Qualified candidates should apply to


Bell Media Diverse Screenwriters Program - Mentors

The WGC’s Bell Media Diverse Screenwriters Program needs you! We’re looking for 16 Screenwriting Mentors to team up with the program’s rising talent as they develop a portfolio of script materials to compete for the coveted internship on a Bell Media series.

You can find the job description here. Please submit your cover letter and CV, including produced credits and relevant experience, to by the following deadlines:



Application Deadline

Mentorship Term 

(12 weeks)

  Western Canada 

  8 mentors

   21 February 2014

  10 March - 9 June 2014

  Eastern Canada  

  8 mentors

   11 April 2014

  12 May – 4 August 2014



Summer 2014
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Photo by Christina Gapic

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AUGUST 5, 2014
  • Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

AUGUST 5, 2014

Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

Romina Dermardirosian will hold intensive workshops on Film,Theater and Television writing at Glendon Campus of York University on Saturday August 23rd, and Sunday August 24th from 10AM to 4PM. Author Vinita Kinra will talk about Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing (Aug. 23) and teleplay writing (Aug. 24).  For registration please contact Glendon office: Tel: 416-487-6780 Fax: 416-487-6781

AUGUST 21, 2014
  • Montreal World Film Festival

AUGUST 21, 2014

Montreal World Film Festival

Montreal World Film Festival

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