Canadian Screenwriter Magazine

Canadian Screenwriter - Digital Edition

For several years, the Writers Guild of Canada has been creating a digital edition of Canadian Screenwriter. The current issue of the magazine is still only available in print form on newsstands, to members and subscribers, and to sponsors of the annual WGC Screenwriting Awards. But as each new issue is published, the previous one is added to the bank of digital issues available here.

To access available issues of Canadian Screenwriter - for free- visit here and type in the password: WGCscreenwriter


Summer 2014
On newsstands, or subscribe.

Photo by Christina Gapic

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AUGUST 5, 2014
  • Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

AUGUST 5, 2014

Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing

Romina Dermardirosian will hold intensive workshops on Film,Theater and Television writing at Glendon Campus of York University on Saturday August 23rd, and Sunday August 24th from 10AM to 4PM. Author Vinita Kinra will talk about Hollywood meets Bollywood: Blockbuster formula for screenplay writing (Aug. 23) and teleplay writing (Aug. 24).  For registration please contact Glendon office: Tel: 416-487-6780 Fax: 416-487-6781

AUGUST 21, 2014
  • Montreal World Film Festival

AUGUST 21, 2014

Montreal World Film Festival

Montreal World Film Festival

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