About Our Supporters

We would like to thank our supporters for their contributions to this organization.

IP Legal Advice
Ridout & Maybee LLP
Canada’s Intellectual Property and Technology Law Firm
100 Murray Street, 4th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 0A1
Telephone: (613) 236-1995
Fax: (613) 236-2485
Mitchell Charness B.A.Sc. (Mech.Eng.), LL.B.
E-mail: MCharness@ridoutmaybee.com

Legal Counsel
Law office of Emond Harnden LLP
707 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON   K1S 3V1
Telephone: (613) 563-7660
Fax: (613) 563-8001
Jennifer E. Birrell
Email: jbirrell@ehlaw.ca

General Legal Advice
Mann & Partners, LLP
Suite 710, 1600 Scott Street
Telephone: (613) 722-1500
Fax: (613) 722-7677
Tedd Mann and Jason Paymen
E-mail: info@mannlawyers.com

Bookkeeping Services
David Gilmour
Gilmour Business Services
Greely, Ontario K4P 1M8
Telephone: (613) 821-7794

Web Design
Pondstone Communications Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: (613) 667-2422
E-mail: info@pondstone.ca

Donation of use of moving van
Paul Rushforth Real Estate, Inc.
3002 St. Joseph Boulevard
Ottawa, Ontario K1E 1E2
Telephone: (613) 788-2122
E-mail: Information@PaulRushforth.com

Multimedia project

Toy Report Writing, Editing and Support
Anita Grace, Janet L. Hetherington

Toy Report Editor
Sharon Stewart

Thank you to Mrs. Tiggy Winkles, the Ottawa 67s, and the National Arts Centre who offered donations to support our training session raffles.

Welcome Packages

We’d like to thank the following contributors to our Welcome packages that were distributed to members during our testing season:


Media Event and Toymendous Toy Sale
Centurion Conference and Event Centre – table linens

TKO Design Works
For her tireless efforts to bring consistency and creative design to our brand.  Creative, purposeful design at an affordable rate. Specializing in corporate identity and branding, advertising, trade show design, illustration and marketing.

Tina Kerr <tlkerr@rogers.com>