With FeedDigest, mix, filter and republish or syndicate feeds to HTML, JavaScript, WAP or PHP, or to a new feed.

Sign up here! Enter the address of an RSS feed you want to digest or process:

Note! Digests can be made up of multiple feeds, but you add them later on.

We Manage 85824 Feeds and 56619 Digests for 25319 Users (including RSS Digest)
See a live demo of many different digests!


Show items from feeds on your site

Want a headline bar? Want automatically updating content? You got it.

Mix multiple feeds into a single feed

There are too many reasons why you might do this!

Keep your site updated constantly

With Feed Digest, your site can seem more alive with regularly updating content.

Show off your del.icio.us items

Syndicate del.icio.us links onto your site (video tutorial)

Create a news "dashboard"

Build pages that present all the latest news on any topic you like (example)

Let others syndicate your blog

Give your fans code to link from their own sites to your latest blog posts.

Foreign language / Unicode support

Multiple alphabets and character sets in your feed items? No problem.

Digest to Cellphone

View your feeds on any WAP-capable cellphone.

Email Your Digest (almost ready)

Mix in new content sent by e-mail into your digests.

Statistics (coming soon)

See who has clicked where in your feed or digest, and where from.

Podcast Quickly (coming soon)

Get your feed in the right format instantly, and track your listeners.
Watch a video tour of how to make your first digest.
(2 minutes - 5MB - QuickTime)
See how to put your del.icio.us links on a blog fast.
(2 minutes - 5MB - QuickTime)

This box is a live demo digest!
(source feeds are our blog and del.icio.us's most popular RSS links)

Or see our Zeitgeist demo or our sideburns demo.