Economic Action Plan 2015

April 21, 2015

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security

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Canada’s Economic Action Plan (EAP) is working.  Since the recession, over 1.2 million net new jobs have been created.

EAP 15 builds on this record of achievement with positive measures to create jobs, growth and long-term prosperity.  

Balancing the Budget

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and SecurityThe Government is fulfilling its promise to balance the budget in 2015 and has paid down $37 billion in debt since 2006. Balanced budgets keep taxes low and ensure that taxpayer dollars are used to support the programs that Canadians depend on rather than paying interest costs. Learn more about these measures…


Helping families make ends meet

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security

EAP 2015 continues the Government’s focus on lowering taxes for Canadian families. New measures in EAP 2015 will help Canadians save more, make it easier for seniors to preserve more of their retirement savings, and give families greater peace of mind. Learn more about these measures…


Creating Jobs and Growth in Industry and Innovation 

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security

EAP 2015 will lower taxes for businesses even further and encourage job-creating investment in Canada by encouraging investment in manufacturing, encouraging world-leading innovation and cutting edge research, and supporting business innovation in key sectors such as in aerospace, automotive and responsible resource development. Learn more about these measures…


Saves Money for Canada’s Job Creators: Small Businesses

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security

Small businesses are the engine of our economy. EAP 2015 takes further action to make Canada the best place in the world to start and own a small business. .In EAP 2015, the Government announced that it would further reduce the small business tax rate to 9 per cent by 2019. Small businesses will also benefit from an improved access to financing, cuts to red tape and improved tax services from the Canada Revenue Agency, and an expansion of the Business Development Bank. Learn more about these measures…


Protecting Canadians 

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security

EAP 2015 is committed to ensuring the safety and security of Canadians. Canadians want to feel safe and secure in their homes, online and in their communities. EAP 2015 includes  further action to enhance national security, better protect Canadians from the threat of terrorism, support the Canadian Armed Forces and veterans, protect the integrity of our Borders and strengthen community safety.  Learn more about these measures…


Building the Infrastructure Canadians Rely On

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security

EAP 2015 continues strong investments in infrastructure – including a new and innovative vehicle for those investments, the new and innovative Public Transit Fund. The fund will be  the Government’s largest targeted infrastructure program, and aims to invest in public transit infrastructure that is affordable for taxpayers and efficient for commuters. Learn more about these measures…


Training the Workforce of Tomorrow

Economic Action Plan 2015: Strong Leadership - A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and SecurityEAP 2015 provides skills training for Canadians including new actions to harmonize apprenticeship training and certification requirements in targeted Red Seal trades.  The Government will also take action to better align training with the needs of employers and take concrete action to help today’s workers get connected with available jobs. Learn more about these measures…

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