Northern Petroleum Resources

What's New

May 5, 2015

The Northern Oil and Gas Annual Report 2014 was tabled in parliament.

April 1, 2014

As of April 1, 2014, in accordance with the Northwest Territories Devolution Agreement and the Northwest Territories Devolution Act, the Government of Canada transferred the administration and control of public lands, resources and rights in respect of waters in the Northwest Territories to the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories.

Administration of oil and gas rights in Nunavut and the Arctic Offshore remain under federal authority and the responsibility of the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.

Administration of oil and gas rights in the Northwest Territories which are deemed onshore, as defined by the Northwest Territories Devolution Agreement, are now administered by the territorial government, under the responsibility of the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment.

More highlights...

Oil and gas exploration and development are key to Canada's economic well-being. One quarter of Canada's discovered resources of conventional petroleum are in the North and remain undeveloped, as well as about one third of the country's estimated potential.

AANDC works in partnership with Northern and Aboriginal governments and people to:

  • govern the allocation of Crown lands to the private sector for oil and gas exploration;
  • develop the regulatory environment;
  • set and collect royalties; and
  • approve benefit plans before development takes place in a given area.

Benefit plans define oil and gas operators' policies and activities to maximize employment and training prospects for Northerners.  The plans also ensure that Northern businesses have opportunities to supply goods and services on a competitive basis.

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