2015-2016 Aboriginal Representative Organization Project Funding

This year's funding will continue to focus on projects that support Government of Canada priority areas, yield concrete results and promote healthier, more self-sufficient Aboriginal communities. In order to be considered for approval each project will be screened against ARO Project Funding Eligibility Criteria, and must fall under one of seven project funding themes.

The deadlines for themes #1 to #7 have passed. Project proposals are currently being assessed.

ARO Project Funding Themes and Application Forms:

  1. Improving First Nation Elementary and Secondary Education Outcomes
  2. Community Infrastructure
  3. Economic Development
  4. Métis and Non-Status Indians Partnerships and Policy Development
  5. Social Program Reform
  6. Capacity Development and Accountability
  7. Northern Research and Development and Climate Change Programs for Aboriginal and Northern Communities

A list of successful projects from 2014-2015.

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