Job Search

Career Tool

Career Tool
The Career Tool can help you learn about what fields of study are in demand.


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Job Bank is migrating to NOC 2011 in the course of the next few months.

Job Bank is growing. You can explore top advertised jobs, how much money you can make, and what skills you'll need. Take a quick tour and let us know what you think!

Welcome Refugees


As a refugee in Canada, what steps should you follow to find a job?

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Statistics Canada is hiring!

2016 - Statistics Canada is hiring for the 2016 Census - Apply now!

Join the Reserve Force - Canadian Armed Forces

Cyber Safety Tips

Legitimate employers will not ask you for banking or other private information in order to apply for a job.
Identity fraud is the actual deceptive use of the identity information of another person in connection with various frauds. is the only source of jobs validated by the Government of Canada. Please report any imitations.

Job Search

Find the latest job opportunities by typing the job title you're looking for and the location you would like to work in.

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  1. Search different ways with one box! Enter the job title, a city name, or a particular skill (e.g.: "engineer in Regina" or "Toronto' or "java").
  2. Receive Job Alerts by email to stay informed about new job opportunities based on your search criteria.
  3. Tailor your search by using advanced filters.
  4. Discover the most advertised jobs on Job Bank across Canada, for your province or territory, or by industry.

Explore Careers

Explore jobs or career options to learn more about the possibilities in front of you.

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  1. Explore careers by occupation to learn more about an occupation you are interested in: wages, outlooks, education, skills needed and so much more.
  2. Explore careers by education program to learn about the programs and discover which jobs are linked to them.
  3. Wages: Compare how much you could make in different parts of the country or between occupations.
  4. Outlooks: Discover the employment prospects for your dream job across Canada or compare different occupations.
  5. Complete a skills and knowledge checklist to find what occupations could be a good fit for you based on the skills and knowledge you have or are interested in.


Find, hire, and retain the workers you need.

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  1. Post your job for free on Job Bank today.
  2. Access HR resources to find, hire and retain the workers you need.

Job Market Trends

Stay informed with news and trends about employment and the job market.

  1. Stay informed with employment related news across Canada, in your province or territory, or in your area. Explore labour market trends in provincial and territorial Bulletins.
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