Building and Managing Housing

Building and Managing Housing

In order to strengthen the building and management of housing in First Nation communities, CMHC provides the following tools and resources to Housing Managers, Chiefs and Councils, and Financial Managers:

Planning Information

Developing First Nation Housing Policies
Written policies and procedures can help housing staff and leadership manage housing fairly and consistently. They can also help home occupants understand their role in housing.

Four Step Maintenance Planning Model
Maintenance planning identifies and links maintenance needs to maintenance work that addresses those needs. Planning is required to make the best possible use of human and financial resources.

Capital Replacement Planning (CRP)
A capital replacement plan (also known as CRP) helps First Nation housing managers determine what major building repairs and replacements need to be done, when they will be needed, and how much they will cost. Planning will help housing managers maintain the long-term health of houses in their communities.

Financial Management Information

Help with Financial Statements
CMHC offers two different housing programs under the On-Reserve Non-Profit Housing Program (Section 95)  — Pre-1997 and Post-1996. To assist First Nations in understanding the differences between the programs, CMHC has prepared two separate guides which outline the reporting requirements for the different versions of the program.

Differences between the On-Reserve Non Profit Housing Program pre-1997 and post-1996
In 1997 changes were made to the On-Reserve Non Profit Housing Program (Section 95) which resulted in some First Nation communities having subsidized housing units under two differing programs.

Understanding Operating Agreement Terms
These are some of the more common terms found in the Operating Agreement for the Non Profit Rental Housing Pre-1997 and Post-1996 Programs.

Housing Administration Information

The Role of the First Nations Housing Manager
A First Nations Housing Manager may be expected to carry out and/or oversee a wide variety of housing related tasks. A Housing Manager may be a planner, a technician, an administrator, a supervisor, a communicator, a financial officer all rolled into one position.

Tenant Records
Maintaining records for all of the housing units in your community is a good property management practice. Find out what should be included in the tenant file for each housing unit.

Fire Prevention in Aboriginal Communities
A series of case studies on fire prevention in Aboriginal communities.

Stories of our Houses Video Gallery
Find out how this and other First Nations are doing things differently and bringing about positive change in the area of housing.

Building, Renovating and Maintaining Housing Information

Maintaining Your Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV)
Your heat recovery ventilator (HRV) can help make your house a clean, healthy living environment, while keeping fuel bills down. But your HRV can't do all this without your help.

Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction
An introductory book for understanding and applying wood-frame house construction principles as applicable to the construction sequence for a typical house.

Mould in the Home  — Indoor Air Quality Resources for First Nations
CMHC offers a wealth of valuable resources on mould prevention and remediation, as well as indoor air quality.

Mould in Housing Video Gallery
This series developed in partnership between CMHC and Health Canada provides First Nation communities with basic information on mould in the home, how to identify it, clean small areas and prevent future growth.

First Nation Home Maintenance Calendar
To help care for your home, use these monthly maintenance tips.


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