2014 Annual Report

“Guided by our mission and vision, we pursued challenging goals for CMHC in 2014. Our activities and accomplishments for the year are discussed throughout this report. ”

— Evan Siddall, President and Chief Executive Officer


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2014 Achievements

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  • CMHC: Canada’s authority on housing
  • Our mission: We help Canadians meet their housing needs
  • Our vision:  The heart of a world-leading housing system

CMHC contributes to market efficiency, a sound and stable housing finance system, and increased housing quality and sustainability.

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Market Analysis and Research

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  • CMHC is the leading voice in Canadian market analysis and housing research. This year, we continued to improve the availability of information on Canada’s housing markets.

(Image of laptop with text on screen)

  • Launch of the Housing Market Information Portal - free, flexible, comprehensive housing data

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  • Release of the House Price Analysis and Assessment Framework - to assess housing market conditions: overheating, price acceleration, overvaluation, overbuilding

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  • 1,849,453 Housing Research Information Products downloaded or distributed
  • 662,608 Market Analysis Publications downloaded or distributed

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Assisted Housing

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  • In support of housing programs on and off reserve, CMHC spent just over $2 billion on behalf of the Government of Canada.

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  • 570,950 households supported under long-term social housing commitments, including 27,750 on reserve

(Image of hands clasping to reveal text on screen. Icons of houses pop up)

  • 496 new units committed under the On-Reserve Non-Profit Housing Program

(Image of hands clasping to reveal text on screen. Icons of houses pop up)

  • 3,154 new units facilitated through CMHC’s Affordable Housing Centre

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  • CMHC worked with provinces and territories to extend bilateral Investment in Affordable Housing agreements to 2019.   

(Icon of April/December calendar appears)

  • Since April 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014, 217,772 households are no longer in housing need as a result.

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Mortgage Loan Insurance

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  • Providing Canadians with access to financing for a range of housing options in all parts of Canada – including affordable housing, homeownership and rental housing
  • In 2014, we made important changes to our mortgage loan insurance business. This included premium adjustments, changes to policies for low-ratio insurance, and the discontinuation of some products.

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  • 308,820 units insured

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  • High-quality mortgage loan insurance portfolio:
    • 46% average equity
    • 0.35% arrears rate
    • average credit score: 731 transactional homeowner; 760 portfolio

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  • CMHC’s Securitization programs provide a reliable source of long-term mortgage funding for residential mortgage lenders.

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  • $78.6 billion National Housing Act Mortgage-Backed Securities (NHA MBS)
  • $39.0 billion Canada Mortgage Bonds (CMB)
  • $117.6 billion securities guaranteed

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People and Processes

(National Capital Region’s Top Employers logo rolls to centre of screen.  Title appears)

  • One of the Top Employers in the National Capital Region

(Canada’s Best Diversity Employers logo pans to centre of screen.  Title appears)

  • One of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers

(Canada’s 10 Most Admired Corporate Cultures logo pans to centre of screen.  Title appears)

  • One of Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures

(CMHC in Motion logo rolls to centre of screen.  Titles appear)

  • Initiated a multi-year program of change that will result in: a focused role, an accountable culture, enabled people and efficient processes
  • Implemented 15 employee-generated ideas to improve our business and workplace
  • Launched a five-year I&T strategic investment plan
  • Introduced the Three Lines of Defence risk governance model to become best-in-class risk manager

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  • Build, Lead, Succeed

(CMHC logo on screen)

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(Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, Flickr social media logos appears)



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