Program Evaluation

When the First Nations Market Housing Fund (FNMHF) was established in 2008, Treasury Board required that an evaluation of its performance and management would be carried out during the fourth year of operation (2011-2012). CMHC conducted the performance evaluation in 2011-2012, and completed the evaluation report in September 2012.

The evaluation examined the relevance, success and effectiveness of the FNMHF as a mechanism for credit enhancement on private sector mortgage loans for market-based housing in First Nations. The broader housing policy context was the subject of a separate review by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC).

In 2009 CMHC completed three evaluations of programs in the assisted housing sector including: the evaluation of the Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI); the evaluation of the Shelter Enhancement Program (SEP); and the evaluation of the Renovation Programs (RRAP).

The main goal of the AHI evaluation was to report on the relevance, impact and cost-effectiveness of the two phases of AHI expenditures. The evaluation examined program activity and funding from the start of the AHI in 2001 to the end of 2007 and focussed on projects and units completed and occupied as at December 31, 2007.

The SEP Evaluation examined the need for SEP, including in First Nations, its impacts and cost-effectiveness during the period 2002-2008. It also describes the SEP contribution to the federal Family Violence Initiative (FVI) objectives, which were needed for the FVI reporting purposes.

The evaluation of the renovation programs assessed their rationale and examined the extent to which intended impacts occurred for the period 2003 through 2007. The evaluation also reports on unintended outcomes, to provide a comprehensive and balanced view of program success.

New federal investments in affordable housing are cost-matched and delivered by provinces and territories under the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH). As such, the findings of the 2009 evaluations of AHI, RRAP, and SEP may not reflect current delivery arrangements.

Under the IAH, provinces and territories have the flexibility to design and deliver affordable housing programs in order to meet their local needs and priorities, which may in some jurisdictions include renovation programs or programs previously delivered under the Affordable Housing Initiative. Click here to find out what is available in your area.


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