Guide to the Second Language Proficiency Tests

The French Second Language Proficiency Tests provide a measure of three skills:

Each skill is described briefly below.

The position you are applying for may not require you to be tested in all three skills. If this is the case, choose the sections and practice tests that apply to you. On the following pages, you will find examples of test passages that are similar to the material in the CMHC language tests.

There are four levels of proficiency for each of the second language abilities:

A — Beginner
B — Intermediate
C — Advanced
P — Expert

“P” is used for specific language skills acquired as a result of specialized training (for example, shorthand dictation or text revision) or expert skills (such as those required by translators or language teachers).

Reading Comprehension

The reading comprehension test is composed of a series of 27 short texts, grouped according to their expected level of difficulty starting with the easiest texts. Each text is followed by four alternative answers from which you must choose only one. The reading comprehension test lasts 50 minutes.


Monsieur Paul Rivest, qui a dirigé le service au cours des huit dernières années, prendra une retraite bien méritée le 30 juin prochain après trente et une années de service dans une variété de postes. Je pense que cet événement mérite d'être fêté et je recevrai vos suggestions à ce sujet jusqu'à vendredi prochain.

Selon ce texte,

  1. M. Rivest dirige le service depuis sa création.
  2. M. Rivest sera fêté vendredi prochain.
  3. M. Rivest est invité à une fête en son honneur.
  4. M. Rivest est le directeur actuel du service.

Correct answer: d)

Written Expression

There are three sections in the written expression test. The test lasts 40 minutes.

Section 1

This section is made up of five texts. In each text, words have been deleted. You are asked to identify these words by selecting the appropriate answer from the four suggested choices for each number in the text. In tasks of this kind, it is a good idea to read the whole text first to get the general meaning and then answer each question.


Le texte de la convention collective a été __________ (1) à l'imprimeur hier. Il sera expédié __________ (2) chacun des membres dès la fin du travail d'impression.

  1. a) envoyé
    b) imprimé
    c) reçu
    d) corrigé
  1. a) en
    b) à
    c) pour
    d) de

Correct answer for number 1: a)
Correct answer for number 2: b)

Section 2

This section is made up of 17 short texts where four segments have been highlighted in each example. Examine each highlighted segment to determine if there is a mistake. There will never be more than one mistake in each text, but it is possible all four segments are correct. If so, choose e).


  1. Pendant la période des vacances (a), les services régulier (b) seront diminués pour permettre à tous (c) de prendre  un repos bien mérité (d). (e)

    The (b) segment should read “les services réguliers.” You would then choose (b).

  2. D'ici la fin de la  décennie, la population urbaine (a) devrait atteindre deux milliards (b) de personnes environ, soit le double de (c) ce qu'elle était en 1980 (d). (e)

    All four segments are correct. You would then choose (e).

Section 3

In this section, you are given three letter extracts where one paragraph is missing. Indicate which of the four choices would complete the letters adequately.


“Madame, Monsieur,


De fait, je trouve tout à fait inacceptable que vous pensiez même montrer de tels films étant donné leur piètre qualité et leur manque complet  d'intérêt humain.

Dans l’espoir que vous pourrez donner suite à la présente, je vous prie de croire à mes sentiments distingués.”

  1. J'aimerais vous remercier pour l'excellent spectacle d'hier soir.
  2. Bien que j'aie bien aimé le film d'hier, je pense qu'il faudrait montrer de tels films plus tard en soirée.
  3. Permettez-moi de vous dire mon insatisfaction face au film d'hier et au moment où vous avez décidé de le montrer.
  4. Veuillez recevoir mes excuses pour avoir montré un film osé à la télé hier soir.

Correct answer: c)

Oral Proficiency (Speaking)

The oral proficiency test consists of an interview with four tasks:

Task One: Introduction and warm up. A few brief questions on familiar and routine topics.

Task Two: Conversation on a familiar topic. This task involves engaging the candidate in a conversation on a familiar or general topic somewhat related to the context of work. The candidate can use personal experience to provide factual answers to most of the questions.

Task Three: Role play. For this task, a simulated but realistic work-related context is created by the interviewer with the aid of a brief description. The roles are played by the candidate and the interviewer.

Task Four: Expressing an opinion. Task four involves rephrasing and giving one's opinion. The topics concern less personal and more generalized work-related issues.


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